from pysb.simulator.base import Simulator, SimulatorException, SimulationResult
import pysb
import pysb.bng
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import N_A
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import logging
from pysb.logging import EXTENDED_DEBUG
import shutil
from pysb.pathfinder import get_path
import sympy
import collections
from import Iterable
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
pd = None
import pycuda.driver as cuda
except ImportError:
cuda = None
[docs]class CupSodaSimulator(Simulator):
"""An interface for running cupSODA, a CUDA implementation of LSODA.
cupSODA is a graphics processing unit (GPU)-based implementation of the
LSODA simulation algorithm (see references). It requires an NVIDIA GPU
card with support for the CUDA framework version 7 or above. Further
details of cupSODA and software can be found on github:
The simplest way to install cupSODA is to use a pre-compiled version,
which can be downloaded from here:
model : pysb.Model
Model to integrate.
tspan : vector-like, optional
Time values at which the integrations are sampled. The first and last
values define the time range.
initials : list-like, optional
Initial species concentrations for all simulations. Dimensions are
N_SIMS x number of species.
param_values : list-like, optional
Parameters for all simulations. Dimensions are N_SIMS x number of
verbose : bool or int, optional
Verbosity level, see :class:`pysb.simulator.base.Simulator` for
further details.
**kwargs: dict, optional
Extra keyword arguments, including:
* ``gpu``: Index of GPU to run on (default: 0)
* ``vol``: System volume; required if model encoded in extrinsic
(number) units (default: None)
* ``obs_species_only``: Only output species contained in observables
(default: True)
* ``cleanup``: Delete all temporary files after the simulation is
finished. Includes both BioNetGen and cupSODA files. Useful for
debugging (default: True)
* ``prefix``: Prefix for the temporary directory containing cupSODA
input and output files (default: model name)
* ``base_dir``: Directory in which temporary directory with cupSODA
input and output files are placed (default: system directory
determined by `tempfile.mkdtemp`)
* ``integrator``: Name of the integrator to use; see
`default_integrator_options` (default: 'cupsoda')
* ``integrator_options``: A dictionary of keyword arguments to
supply to the integrator; see `default_integrator_options`.
model : pysb.Model
Model passed to the constructor.
tspan : numpy.ndarray
Time values passed to the constructor.
initials : numpy.ndarray
Initial species concentrations for all simulations. Dimensions are
number of simulations x number of species.
param_values : numpy.ndarray
Parameters for all simulations. Dimensions are number of simulations
x number of parameters.
verbose: bool or int
Verbosity setting. See the base class
:class:`pysb.simulator.base.Simulator` for further details.
gpu : int or list
Index of GPU being run on, or a list of integers to use multiple GPUs.
Simulations will be split equally among the of GPUs.
outdir : str
Directory where cupSODA output files are placed. Input files are
also placed here.
opts: dict
Dictionary of options for the integrator, which can include the
* vol (float or None): System volume
* n_blocks (int or None): Number of GPU blocks used by the simulator
* atol (float): Absolute integrator tolerance
* rtol (float): Relative integrator tolerance
* chunksize (int or None): The maximum number of simulations to run
per GPU at one time. Set this option if your GPU is running out of
* memory_usage ('global', 'shared', or 'sharedconstant'): The type of
GPU memory to use
* max_steps (int): The maximum number of internal integrator iterations
(equivalent to LSODA's mxstep)
integrator : str
Name of the integrator in use (only "cupsoda" is supported).
1. If `vol` is defined, species amounts and rate constants are assumed
to be in number units and are automatically converted to concentration
units before generating the cupSODA input files. The species
concentrations returned by cupSODA are converted back to number units
during loading.
2. If `obs_species_only` is True, only the species contained within
observables are output by cupSODA. All other concentrations are set
to 'nan'.
1. Harris, L.A., Nobile, M.S., Pino, J.C., Lubbock, A.L.R., Besozzi, D.,
Mauri, G., Cazzaniga, P., and Lopez, C.F. 2017. GPU-powered model
analysis with PySB/cupSODA. Bioinformatics 33, pp.3492-3494.
2. Nobile M.S., Cazzaniga P., Besozzi D., Mauri G., 2014. GPU-accelerated
simulations of mass-action kinetics models with cupSODA, Journal of
Supercomputing, 69(1), pp.17-24.
3. Petzold, L., 1983. Automatic selection of methods for solving stiff and
nonstiff systems of ordinary differential equations. SIAM journal on
scientific and statistical computing, 4(1), pp.136-148.
_supports = {'multi_initials': True, 'multi_param_values': True}
_memory_options = {'global': '0', 'shared': '1', 'sharedconstant': '2'}
default_integrator_options = {
# some sane default options for a few well-known integrators
'cupsoda': {
'max_steps': 20000, # max # of internal iterations (LSODA's MXSTEP)
'atol': 1e-8, # absolute tolerance
'rtol': 1e-8, # relative tolerance
'chunksize': None, # Max number of simulations per GPU per run
'n_blocks': None, # number of GPU blocks
'memory_usage': 'sharedconstant'}} # see _memory_options dict
_integrator_options_allowed = {'max_steps', 'atol', 'rtol', 'n_blocks',
'memory_usage', 'vol', 'chunksize'}
def __init__(self, model, tspan=None, initials=None, param_values=None,
verbose=False, **kwargs):
super(CupSodaSimulator, self).__init__(model, tspan=tspan,
verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
self.gpu = kwargs.pop('gpu', (0, ))
if not isinstance(self.gpu, Iterable):
self.gpu = [self.gpu]
self._obs_species_only = kwargs.pop('obs_species_only', True)
self._cleanup = kwargs.pop('cleanup', True)
self._prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix',
# Sanitize the directory - cupsoda doesn't handle spaces etc. well
self._prefix = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]', '_', self._prefix)
self._base_dir = kwargs.pop('base_dir', None)
self.integrator = kwargs.pop('integrator', 'cupsoda')
integrator_options = kwargs.pop('integrator_options', {})
if kwargs:
raise ValueError('Unknown keyword argument(s): {}'.format(
', '.join(kwargs.keys())
unknown_integrator_options = set(integrator_options.keys()).difference(
if unknown_integrator_options:
raise ValueError(
'Unknown integrator_options: {}. Allowed options: {}'.format(
', '.join(unknown_integrator_options),
', '.join(self._integrator_options_allowed)
# generate the equations for the model
pysb.bng.generate_equations(self._model, self._cleanup, self.verbose)
# build integrator options list from our defaults and any kwargs
# passed to this function
options = {}
if self.default_integrator_options.get(self.integrator):
self.integrator]) # default options
raise SimulatorException(
"Integrator type '" + self.integrator + "' not recognized.")
options.update(integrator_options) # overwrite
# defaults
self.opts = options
self._out_species = None
# private variables (to reduce the number of function calls)
self._len_rxns = len(self._model.reactions)
self._len_species = len(self._model.species)
self._len_params = len(self._model.parameters)
self._model_parameters_rules = self._model.parameters_rules()
# Set cupsoda verbosity level
logger_level = self._logger.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
if logger_level <= EXTENDED_DEBUG:
self._cupsoda_verbose = 2
elif logger_level <= logging.DEBUG:
self._cupsoda_verbose = 1
self._cupsoda_verbose = 0
# regex for extracting cupSODA reported running time
self._running_time_regex = re.compile(r'Running time:\s+(\d+\.\d+)')
def _run_chunk(self, gpus, outdir, chunk_idx, cmtx, sims, trajectories,
_indirs = {}
_outdirs = {}
p = {}
# Path to cupSODA executable
bin_path = get_path('cupsoda')
# Start simulations
for gpu in gpus:
_indirs[gpu] = os.path.join(outdir, "INPUT_GPU{}_{}".format(
gpu, chunk_idx))
_outdirs[gpu] = os.path.join(outdir, "OUTPUT_GPU{}_{}".format(
gpu, chunk_idx))
# Create cupSODA input files
self._create_input_files(_indirs[gpu], sims[gpu], cmtx)
# Build command
# ./cupSODA input_model_folder blocks output_folder simulation_
# file_prefix gpu_number fitness_calculation memory_use dump
command = [bin_path, _indirs[gpu], str(self.n_blocks),
_outdirs[gpu], self._prefix, str(gpu),
'0', self._memory_usage, str(self._cupsoda_verbose)]"Running cupSODA: " + ' '.join(command))
# Run simulation and return trajectories
p[gpu] = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
# Read results
for gpu in gpus:
(p_out, p_err) = p[gpu].communicate()
p_out = p_out.decode('utf-8')
p_err = p_err.decode('utf-8')
logger_level = self._logger.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
if logger_level <= logging.INFO:
run_time_match =
if run_time_match:'cupSODA GPU {} chunk {} reported '
'time: {} seconds'.format(
self._logger.debug('cupSODA GPU {} chunk {} stdout:\n{}'.format(
gpu, chunk_idx, p_out))
if p_err:
self._logger.error('cupSODA GPU {} chunk {} '
gpu, chunk_idx, p_err))
if p[gpu].returncode:
raise SimulatorException(
"cupSODA GPU {} chunk {} exception:\n{}\n{}".format(
gpu, chunk_idx, p_out.rstrip("at line"), p_err.rstrip()
tout_run, trajectories_run = self._load_trajectories(
_outdirs[gpu], sims[gpu])
if trajectories is None:
tout = tout_run
trajectories = trajectories_run
tout = np.concatenate((tout, tout_run))
trajectories = np.concatenate(
(trajectories, trajectories_run))
return tout, trajectories
[docs] def run(self, tspan=None, initials=None, param_values=None):
"""Perform a set of integrations.
Returns a :class:`.SimulationResult` object.
tspan : list-like, optional
Time values at which the integrations are sampled. The first and
last values define the time range.
initials : list-like, optional
Initial species concentrations for all simulations. Dimensions are
number of simulation x number of species.
param_values : list-like, optional
Parameters for all simulations. Dimensions are number of
simulations x number of parameters.
A :class:`SimulationResult` object
1. An exception is thrown if `tspan` is not defined in either
`__init__`or `run`.
2. If neither `initials` nor `param_values` are defined in either
`__init__` or `run` a single simulation is run with the initial
concentrations and parameter values defined in the model.
super(CupSodaSimulator, self).run(tspan=tspan, initials=initials,
# Create directories for cupSODA input and output files
_outdirs = {}
_indirs = {}
start_time = time.time()
cmtx = self._get_cmatrix()
outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self._prefix + '_',
self._logger.debug("Output directory is %s" % outdir)
# Set up chunking (enforce max # sims per GPU per run)
n_sims = len(self.param_values)
chunksize_gpu = self.opts.get('chunksize', None)
if chunksize_gpu is None:
chunksize_gpu = n_sims
chunksize_total = chunksize_gpu * len(self.gpu)
tout = None
trajectories = None
chunks = np.array_split(range(n_sims),
np.ceil(n_sims / chunksize_total))
for chunk_idx, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
self._logger.debug('cupSODA chunk {} of {}'.format(
(chunk_idx + 1), len(chunks)))
# Split chunk equally between GPUs
sims = dict(zip(self.gpu, np.array_split(chunk,
tout, trajectories = self._run_chunk(
self.gpu, outdir, chunk_idx, cmtx, sims,
trajectories, tout)
if self._cleanup:
end_time = time.time()"cupSODA + I/O time: {} seconds".format(
end_time - start_time))
return SimulationResult(self, tout, trajectories)
def _memory_usage(self):
return self._memory_options[self.opts['memory_usage']]
except KeyError:
raise Exception('memory_usage must be one of %s',
def vol(self):
vol = self.opts.get('vol', None)
return vol
def vol(self, volume):
self.opts['vol'] = volume
def n_blocks(self):
n_blocks = self.opts.get('n_blocks')
if n_blocks is None:
default_threads_per_block = 32
bytes_per_float = 4
memory_per_thread = (self._len_species + 1) * bytes_per_float
if cuda is None:
threads_per_block = default_threads_per_block
device = cuda.Device(self.gpu[0])
attrs = device.get_attributes()
shared_memory_per_block = attrs[
upper_limit_threads_per_block = attrs[
max_threads_per_block = min(
shared_memory_per_block / memory_per_thread,
threads_per_block = min(max_threads_per_block,
n_blocks = int(
np.ceil(1. * len(self.param_values) / threads_per_block))
self._logger.debug('n_blocks set to {} (used pycuda: {})'.format(
n_blocks, cuda is not None
self.n_blocks = n_blocks
return n_blocks
def n_blocks(self, n_blocks):
if not isinstance(n_blocks, int):
raise ValueError("n_blocks must be an integer")
if n_blocks <= 0:
raise ValueError("n_blocks must be greater than 0")
self.opts['n_blocks'] = n_blocks
def _create_input_files(self, directory, sims, cmtx):
# atol_vector
with open(os.path.join(directory, "atol_vector"), 'w') as atol_vector:
for i in range(self._len_species):
if i < self._len_species - 1:
# c_matrix
with open(os.path.join(directory, "c_matrix"), 'w') as c_matrix:
for i in sims:
line = ""
for j in range(self._len_rxns):
if j > 0:
line += "\t"
line += str(cmtx[i][j])
if i != sims[-1]:
# cs_vector
with open(os.path.join(directory, "cs_vector"), 'w') as cs_vector:
self._out_species = range(self._len_species) # species to output
if self._obs_species_only:
self._out_species = [False for sp in self._model.species]
for obs in self._model.observables:
for i in obs.species:
self._out_species[i] = True
self._out_species = [i for i in range(self._len_species) if
self._out_species[i] is True]
for i in range(len(self._out_species)):
if i > 0:
# left_side
with open(os.path.join(directory, "left_side"), 'w') as left_side:
for i in range(self._len_rxns):
line = ""
for j in range(self._len_species):
if j > 0:
line += "\t"
stoich = 0
for k in self._model.reactions[i]['reactants']:
if j == k:
stoich += 1
line += str(stoich)
if i < self._len_rxns - 1:
left_side.write(line + "\n")
# max_steps
with open(os.path.join(directory, "max_steps"), 'w') as mxsteps:
# model_kind
with open(os.path.join(directory, "modelkind"), 'w') as model_kind:
# always set modelkind to 'deterministic'
# MX_0
with open(os.path.join(directory, "MX_0"), 'w') as MX_0:
mx0 = self.initials
# if a volume has been defined, rescale populations
# by N_A*vol to get concentration
# (NOTE: act on a copy of self.initials, not
# the original, which we don't want to modify)
if self.vol:
mx0 = mx0.copy()
mx0 /= (N_A * self.vol)
for i in sims:
line = ""
for j in range(self._len_species):
if j > 0:
line += "\t"
line += str(mx0[i][j])
if i != sims[-1]:
# right_side
with open(os.path.join(directory, "right_side"), 'w') as right_side:
for i in range(self._len_rxns):
line = ""
for j in range(self._len_species):
if j > 0:
line += "\t"
stochiometry = 0
for k in self._model.reactions[i]['products']:
if j == k:
stochiometry += 1
line += str(stochiometry)
if i < self._len_rxns - 1:
right_side.write(line + "\n")
# rtol
with open(os.path.join(directory, "rtol"), 'w') as rtol:
# t_vector
with open(os.path.join(directory, "t_vector"), 'w') as t_vector:
for t in self.tspan:
t_vector.write(str(float(t)) + "\n")
# time_max
with open(os.path.join(directory, "time_max"), 'w') as time_max:
def _get_cmatrix(self):
if self.model.tags:
raise ValueError('cupSODA does not currently support local '
self._logger.debug("Constructing the c_matrix:")
c_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.param_values), self._len_rxns))
par_names = [ for p in self._model_parameters_rules]
rate_mask = np.array([p in self._model_parameters_rules for p in
rate_args = []
par_vals = self.param_values[:, rate_mask]
rate_order = []
for rxn in self._model.reactions:
rate_args.append([arg for arg in rxn['rate'].atoms(sympy.Symbol) if
reactants = len(rxn['reactants'])
output = 0.01 * len(par_vals)
output = int(output) if output > 1 else 1
for i in range(len(par_vals)):
if i % output == 0:
self._logger.debug(str(int(round(100. * i / len(par_vals)))) +
for j in range(self._len_rxns):
rate = 1.0
for r in rate_args[j]:
if isinstance(r, pysb.Parameter):
rate *= par_vals[i][par_names.index(]
elif isinstance(r, pysb.Expression):
raise ValueError('cupSODA does not currently support '
'models with Expressions')
rate *= r
# volume correction
if self.vol:
rate *= (N_A * self.vol) ** (rate_order[j] - 1)
c_matrix[i][j] = rate
return c_matrix
def _load_trajectories(self, directory, sims):
"""Read simulation results from output files.
Returns `tout` and `trajectories` arrays.
files = [filename for filename in os.listdir(directory) if
re.match(self._prefix, filename)]
if len(files) == 0:
raise SimulatorException(
"Cannot find any output files to load data from.")
if len(files) != len(sims):
raise SimulatorException(
"Number of output files (%d) does not match number "
"of requested simulations (%d)." % (
len(files), len(sims)))
n_sims = len(files)
trajectories = [None] * n_sims
tout = [None] * n_sims
traj_n = np.ones((len(self.tspan), self._len_species)) * float('nan')
tout_n = np.ones(len(self.tspan)) * float('nan')
# load the data
indir_prefix = os.path.join(directory, self._prefix)
for idx, n in enumerate(sims):
trajectories[idx] = traj_n.copy()
tout[idx] = tout_n.copy()
filename = indir_prefix + "_" + str(idx)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise Exception("Cannot find input file " + filename)
# determine optimal loading method
if idx == 0:
(data, use_pandas) = self._test_pandas(filename)
# load data
if use_pandas:
data = self._load_with_pandas(filename)
data = self._load_with_openfile(filename)
# store data
tout[idx] = data[:, 0]
trajectories[idx][:, self._out_species] = data[:, 1:]
# volume correction
if self.vol:
trajectories[idx][:, self._out_species] *= (N_A * self.vol)
return np.array(tout), np.array(trajectories)
def _test_pandas(self, filename):
""" calculates the fastest method to load in data
filename : str
filename to laod in
np.array, bool
# using open(filename,...)
start = time.time()
data = self._load_with_openfile(filename)
end = time.time()
load_time_openfile = end - start
# using pandas
if pd:
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
load_time_pandas = end - start
if load_time_pandas < load_time_openfile:
return data, True
return data, False
def _load_with_pandas(filename):
data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', skiprows=None,
return data
def _load_with_openfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = [line.rstrip('\n').split() for line in f]
data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float, copy=False)
return data
def run_cupsoda(model, tspan, initials=None, param_values=None,
integrator='cupsoda', cleanup=True, verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper method for running cupSODA simulations.
See ``CupSodaSimulator`` constructor.
SimulationResult.all : list of record arrays
List of trajectory sets. The first dimension contains species,
observables and expressions (in that order)
sim = CupSodaSimulator(model, tspan=tspan, integrator=integrator,
cleanup=cleanup, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
simres =, param_values=param_values)
return simres.all