import sys
import os
import errno
import warnings
import inspect
import re
import collections
import weakref
import copy
import itertools
import sympy
import scipy.sparse
import networkx as nx
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence, Set
from importlib import reload
[docs]def MatchOnce(pattern):
Make a ComplexPattern match-once.
``MatchOnce`` adjusts reaction rate multiplicity by only counting a pattern
match once per species, even if it matches within that species multiple
For example, if one were to have molecules of ``A`` degrading with a
specified rate:
>>> Rule('A_deg', A() >> None, kdeg) # doctest: +SKIP
In the situation where multiple molecules of ``A()`` were present in a
species (e.g. ``A(a=1) % A(a=1)``), the above ``A_deg`` rule would have
multiplicity equal to the number of occurences of ``A()`` in the degraded
species. Thus, ``A(a=1) % A(a=1)`` would degrade twice as fast
as ``A(a=None)`` under the above rule. If this behavior is not desired,
the multiplicity can be fixed at one using the ``MatchOnce`` keyword:
>>> Rule('A_deg', MatchOnce(A()) >> None, kdeg) # doctest: +SKIP
cp = as_complex_pattern(pattern).copy()
cp.match_once = True
return cp
# A module may define a global with this name (_pysb_doctest_...) to request
# that SelfExporter not issue any ModelExistsWarnings from doctests defined
# therein. (This is the best method we could come up with to manage this
# behavior, as doctest doesn't offer per-doctest setup/teardown.)
_SUPPRESS_MEW = '_pysb_doctest_suppress_modelexistswarning'
[docs]class SelfExporter(object):
Make model components appear in the calling module's namespace.
This class is for pysb internal use only. Do not construct any instances.
do_export = True
default_model = None
target_globals = None # the globals dict to which we'll export our symbols
target_module = None # the module to which we've exported
[docs] @staticmethod
def export(obj):
"""Export an object by name and add it to the default model."""
if not SelfExporter.do_export:
if not isinstance(obj, (Model, Component)):
raise Exception("%s is not a type that is understood by SelfExporter" % str(type(obj)))
# determine the module from which we were called (we need to do this here so we can
# calculate stacklevel for use in the warning at the bottom of this method)
cur_module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe())
caller_frame = inspect.currentframe()
# walk up through the stack until we hit a different module
stacklevel = 1
while inspect.getmodule(caller_frame) == cur_module:
stacklevel += 1
caller_frame = caller_frame.f_back
# use obj's name as the symbol to export it to (unless modified below)
export_name =
if isinstance(obj, Model):
new_target_module = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame)
if SelfExporter.default_model is not None \
and new_target_module is SelfExporter.target_module:
# Warn, unless running a doctest whose containing module set the
# magic global which tells us to suppress it.
if not (
caller_frame.f_code.co_filename.startswith('<doctest ') and
warnings.warn("Redefining model! (You can probably ignore "
"this if you are running code interactively)",
ModelExistsWarning, stacklevel)
SelfExporter.target_module = new_target_module
SelfExporter.target_globals = caller_frame.f_globals
SelfExporter.default_model = obj
# if not set, assign model's name from the module it lives in. very sneaky and fragile.
if is None:
if SelfExporter.target_module == sys.modules['__main__']:
# user ran model .py directly
model_path = inspect.getfile(sys.modules['__main__'])
model_filename = os.path.basename(model_path)
module_name = re.sub(r'\.py$', '', model_filename)
elif SelfExporter.target_module is not None:
# model is imported by some other script (typical case)
module_name = SelfExporter.target_module.__name__
# user is defining a model interactively (not really supported, but we'll try)
module_name = '_interactive_' = module_name # internal name for identification
export_name = 'model' # symbol name for export
elif isinstance(obj, Component):
if SelfExporter.default_model is None:
raise ModelNotDefinedError
# load obj into target namespace under
if export_name in SelfExporter.target_globals:
warnings.warn("'%s' already defined" % (export_name), SymbolExistsWarning, stacklevel)
SelfExporter.target_globals[export_name] = obj
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_initial(initial):
"""Add an Initial to the default model."""
if not SelfExporter.do_export:
if not isinstance(initial, Initial):
raise ValueError("initial must be an Initial object")
if SelfExporter.default_model is None:
raise ModelNotDefinedError
[docs] @staticmethod
def cleanup():
"""Delete previously exported symbols."""
if SelfExporter.default_model is None:
for name in [ for c in SelfExporter.default_model.all_components()] + ['model']:
if name in SelfExporter.target_globals:
del SelfExporter.target_globals[name]
SelfExporter.default_model = None
SelfExporter.target_globals = None
SelfExporter.target_module = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def rename(obj, new_name):
"""Rename a previously exported symbol"""
if new_name in SelfExporter.target_globals:
msg = "'%s' already defined" % new_name
warnings.warn(msg, SymbolExistsWarning, 2)
if in SelfExporter.target_globals:
obj = SelfExporter.target_globals[]
SelfExporter.target_globals[new_name] = obj
del SelfExporter.target_globals[]
raise ValueError("Could not find object in global namespace by its"
"name '%s'" %
class Symbol(sympy.Dummy):
def __new__(cls, name, real=True, **kwargs):
return super(Symbol, cls).__new__(cls, name, real=real, **kwargs)
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
return self.__getnewargs__(), {}
def _lambdacode(self, printer, **kwargs):
""" custom printer method that ensures that the dummyid is not
appended when printing code """
[docs]class Component(object):
The base class for all the named things contained within a model.
name : string
Name of the component. Must be unique within the containing model.
name : string
Name of the component.
model : weakref(Model)
Containing model.
_VARIABLE_NAME_REGEX = re.compile(r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*\Z', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, name, _export=True):
if not self._VARIABLE_NAME_REGEX.match(name):
raise InvalidComponentNameError(name) = name
self.model = None # to be set in Model.add_component
self._export = _export
if self._export:
# Try to find calling module by walking the stack
self._modules = []
self._function = None
# We assume we're dealing with Component subclasses here
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
while frame is not None:
mod_name = frame.f_globals.get('__name__', '__unnamed__')
if mod_name in ['IPython.core.interactiveshell', '__main__']:
if mod_name != 'pysb.core' and not \
if self._function is None:
if mod_name == 'pysb.macros':
self._function = frame.f_back.f_code.co_name
self._function = frame.f_code.co_name
frame = frame.f_back
def __getstate__(self):
# clear the weakref to parent model (restored in Model.__setstate__)
state = self.__dict__.copy()
state.pop('model', None)
# Force _export to False; we don't want the unpickling process to
# trigger SelfExporter.export!
state['_export'] = False
return state
def _do_export(self):
except ComponentDuplicateNameError as e:
# re-raise to hide the stack trace below this point -- it's irrelevant to the user
# and makes the error harder to understand
raise e
[docs] def rename(self, new_name):
"""Change component's name.
This is typically only needed when deriving one model from another and
it would be desirable to change a component's name in the derived
if self.model:
self.model()._rename_component(self, new_name)
if self._export:
SelfExporter.rename(self, new_name) = new_name
[docs]class Monomer(Component):
Model component representing a protein or other molecule.
sites : list of strings, optional
Names of the sites.
site_states : dict of string => string, optional
Allowable states for sites. Keys are sites and values are lists of
states. Sites which only take part in bond formation and never take on a
state may be omitted.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
A Monomer instance may be \"called\" like a function to produce a
MonomerPattern, as syntactic sugar to approximate rule-based modeling
language syntax. It is typically called with keyword arguments where the arg
names are sites and values are site conditions such as bond numbers or
states (see the Notes section of the :py:class:`MonomerPattern`
documentation for details). To help in situations where kwargs are unwieldy
(for example if a site name is computed dynamically or stored in a variable)
a dict following the same layout as the kwargs may be passed as the first
and only positional argument instead.
Site names and state values must start with a letter, or one or more
underscores followed by a letter. Any remaining characters must be
alphanumeric or underscores.
def __init__(self, name, sites=None, site_states=None, _export=True):
# Create default empty containers.
if sites is None:
sites = []
if site_states is None:
site_states = {}
# ensure sites is some kind of list (presumably of strings) but not a
# string itself
if not isinstance(sites, Iterable) or \
isinstance(sites, str):
raise ValueError("sites must be a list of strings")
# ensure no duplicate sites and validate each site name
sites_seen = {}
for site in sites:
if not self._VARIABLE_NAME_REGEX.match(site):
raise ValueError('Invalid site name: ' + str(site))
sites_seen.setdefault(site, 0)
sites_seen[site] += 1
# ensure site_states keys are all known sites
unknown_sites = [site for site in site_states if not site in sites_seen]
if unknown_sites:
raise ValueError("Unknown sites in site_states: " +
# ensure site_states values are all strings
invalid_sites = [site for (site, states) in site_states.items()
if not all([isinstance(s, str)
and self._VARIABLE_NAME_REGEX.match(s)
for s in states])]
if invalid_sites:
raise ValueError("Invalid or non-string state values in "
"site_states for sites: " + str(invalid_sites))
self.sites = list(sites)
self.site_states = site_states
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
def __call__(self, conditions=None, **kwargs):
Return a MonomerPattern object based on this Monomer.
See the Notes section of this class's documentation for details.
conditions: dict, optional
See MonomerPattern.site_conditions.
**kwargs: Union[None, int, str, Tuple[str,int], MultiSite, List[int]]
See MonomerPattern.site_conditions.
return MonomerPattern(self, extract_site_conditions(conditions,
**kwargs), None)
def __repr__(self):
value = '%s(%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(
if self.sites:
value += ', %s' % repr(self.sites)
if self.site_states:
value += ', %s' % repr(self.site_states)
value += ')'
return value
def _check_state(monomer, site, state):
""" Check a monomer site allows the specified state """
if state not in monomer.site_states[site]:
args = state,, site, monomer.site_states[site]
template = "Invalid state choice '{}' in Monomer {}, site {}. Valid " \
"state choices: {}"
raise ValueError(template.format(*args))
return True
def _check_bond(bond):
""" A bond can either by a single int, WILD, ANY, or a list of ints """
return (
isinstance(bond, int)
or bond is WILD
or bond is ANY
or isinstance(bond, list) and all(isinstance(b, int) for b in bond)
[docs]def is_state_bond_tuple(state):
""" Check the argument is a (state, bond) tuple for a Mononer site """
return (
isinstance(state, tuple)
and len(state) == 2
and isinstance(state[0], str)
and _check_bond(state[1])
def _check_state_bond_tuple(monomer, site, state):
""" Check that 'state' is a (state, bond) tuple, and validate the state """
return is_state_bond_tuple(state) and _check_state(monomer, site, state[0])
def validate_site_value(state, monomer=None, site=None, _in_multistate=False):
if state is None:
return True
elif isinstance(state, str):
if monomer and site:
if not _check_state(monomer, site, state):
return False
return True
elif _check_bond(state):
return True
elif is_state_bond_tuple(state):
if monomer and site:
_check_state(monomer, site, state[0])
return True
elif isinstance(state, MultiState):
if _in_multistate:
raise ValueError('Cannot nest MultiState within each other')
if monomer and site:
site_counts = collections.Counter(monomer.sites)
if len(state) > site_counts[site]:
raise ValueError(
'MultiState for site "{}" on monomer "{}" has maximum '
'length {}'.format(site,, site_counts[site])
return all(validate_site_value(s, monomer, site, True) for s in
return True
return False
[docs]class MultiState(object):
MultiState for a Monomer (also known as duplicate sites)
MultiStates are duplicate copies of a site which each have the same name and
semantics. In BioNetGen, these are known as duplicate sites. MultiStates
are not supported by Kappa.
When declared, a MultiState instance is not connected to any Monomer or
site, so full validation is deferred until it is used as part of a
:py:class:`MonomerPattern` or :py:class:`ComplexPattern`.
Define a Monomer "A" with MultiState "a", which has two copies, and
Monomer "B" with MultiState "b", which also has two copies but can take
state values "u" and "p":
>>> Model() # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
<Model '_interactive_' (monomers: 0, ...
>>> Monomer('A', ['a', 'a']) # BNG: A(a, a)
Monomer('A', ['a', 'a'])
>>> Monomer('B', ['b', 'b'], {'b': ['u', 'p']}) # BNG: B(b~u~p, b~u~p)
Monomer('B', ['b', 'b'], {'b': ['u', 'p']})
To specify MultiStates, use the MultiState class. Here are some valid
examples of MultiState patterns, with their BioNetGen equivalents:
>>> A(a=MultiState(1, 2)) # BNG: A(a!1,a!2)
A(a=MultiState(1, 2))
>>> B(b=MultiState('u', 'p')) # BNG: A(A~u,A~p)
B(b=MultiState('u', 'p'))
>>> A(a=MultiState(1, 2)) % B(b=MultiState(('u', 1), 2)) # BNG: A(a!1, a!2).B(b~u!1, b~2)
A(a=MultiState(1, 2)) % B(b=MultiState(('u', 1), 2))
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) == 1:
raise ValueError('MultiState should not be used when only a single '
'site is specified')
self.sites = args
for s in self.sites:
validate_site_value(s, _in_multistate=True)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sites)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.sites)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(
repr(s) for s in self))
[docs]class MonomerPattern(object):
A pattern which matches instances of a given monomer.
monomer : Monomer
The monomer to match.
site_conditions : dict
The desired state of the monomer's sites. Keys are site names and values
are described below in Notes.
compartment : Compartment or None
The desired compartment where the monomer should exist. None means
Identical to Parameters (see above).
The acceptable values in the `site_conditions` dict are as follows:
* ``None`` : no bond
* *str* : state
* *int* : a bond (to a site with the same number in a ComplexPattern)
* *list of int* : multi-bond (not valid in Kappa)
* ``ANY`` : \"any\" bond (bound to something, but don't care what)
* ``WILD`` : \"wildcard\" bond (bound or not bound)
* *tuple of (str, int)* : state with specified bond
* *tuple of (str, WILD)* : state with wildcard bond
* *tuple of (str, ANY)* : state with any bond
* MultiState : duplicate sites
If a site is not listed in site_conditions then the pattern will match any
state for that site, i.e. \"don't write, don't care\".
def __init__(self, monomer, site_conditions, compartment):
# ensure all keys in site_conditions are sites in monomer
unknown_sites = [site for site in site_conditions
if site not in monomer.sites]
if unknown_sites:
raise Exception("MonomerPattern with unknown sites in " +
str(monomer) + ": " + str(unknown_sites))
invalid_sites = []
for (site, state) in site_conditions.items():
if not validate_site_value(state, monomer, site):
if invalid_sites:
raise ValueError("Invalid state value for sites: " +
'; '.join(['%s=%s' % (s, str(site_conditions[s]))
for s in invalid_sites]) +
' in {}'.format(monomer))
# ensure compartment is a Compartment
if compartment and not isinstance(compartment, Compartment):
raise ValueError("compartment is not a Compartment object")
self.monomer = monomer
self.site_conditions = site_conditions
self.compartment = compartment
self._graph = None
self._tag = None
[docs] def is_concrete(self):
Return a bool indicating whether the pattern is 'concrete'.
'Concrete' means the pattern satisfies ALL of the following:
1. All sites have specified conditions
2. If the model uses compartments, the compartment is specified.
# 1.
sites_ok = self.is_site_concrete()
# 2.
compartment_ok = not self.monomer.model().compartments or self.compartment
return compartment_ok and sites_ok
[docs] def is_site_concrete(self):
Return a bool indicating whether the pattern is 'site-concrete'.
'Site-concrete' means all sites have specified conditions."""
dup_sites = {k: v for k, v in
collections.Counter(self.monomer.sites).items() if v > 1}
if len(self.site_conditions) != len(self.monomer.sites) and \
not dup_sites:
return False
for site_name, site_val in self.site_conditions.items():
if site_name in dup_sites:
if not isinstance(site_val, MultiState) or \
len(site_val) < dup_sites[site_name]:
return False
if not all(self._site_instance_concrete(site_name, s)
for s in site_val):
return False
elif not self._site_instance_concrete(site_name, site_val):
return False
return True
def _site_instance_concrete(self, site_name, site_val):
if isinstance(site_val, str):
site_state = site_val
site_bond = None
elif isinstance(site_val, tuple):
site_state, site_bond = site_val
site_bond = site_val
site_state = None
if site_bond is ANY or site_bond is WILD:
return False
if site_state is None and site_name in \
return False
return True
def _as_graph(self):
Convert MonomerPattern to networkx graph, caching the result
See :func:`ComplexPattern._as_graph` for implementation details
if self._graph is None:
self._graph = as_complex_pattern(self)._as_graph()
return self._graph
def __call__(self, conditions=None, **kwargs):
"""Build a new MonomerPattern with updated site conditions. Can be used
to obtain a shallow copy by passing an empty argument list."""
# The new object will have references to the original monomer and
# compartment, and a shallow copy of site_conditions which has been
# updated according to our args (as in Monomer.__call__).
site_conditions = self.site_conditions.copy()
site_conditions.update(extract_site_conditions(conditions, **kwargs))
mp = MonomerPattern(self.monomer, site_conditions, self.compartment)
mp._tag = self._tag
return mp
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ReactionPattern([ComplexPattern([self], None), ComplexPattern([other], None)])
if isinstance(other, ComplexPattern):
return ReactionPattern([ComplexPattern([self], None), other])
elif other is None:
rp = as_reaction_pattern(self)
return rp
return NotImplemented
def __radd__(self, other):
if other is None:
rp = as_reaction_pattern(self)
rp.complex_patterns = [None] + rp.complex_patterns
return rp
return NotImplemented
def __mod__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ComplexPattern([self, other], None)
return NotImplemented
def __rshift__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(self, other, False)
def __rrshift__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(other, self, False)
def __or__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(self, other, True)
def __ror__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(other, self, True)
def __ne__(self, other):
warnings.warn("'<>' for reversible rules will be removed in a future "
"version of PySB. Use '|' instead.",
return self.__or__(other)
def __pow__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Compartment):
if self.compartment is not None:
raise CompartmentAlreadySpecifiedError()
mp_new = self()
mp_new.compartment = other
return mp_new
return NotImplemented
def __matmul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Tag):
return NotImplemented
if self._tag:
raise TagAlreadySpecifiedError()
# Need to upgrade to a ComplexPattern
cp_new = as_complex_pattern(self)
cp_new._tag = other
return cp_new
def __repr__(self):
value = '%s(' %
sites_unique = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(
value += ', '.join([
k + '=' + repr(self.site_conditions[k])
for k in sites_unique
if k in self.site_conditions
value += ')'
if self.compartment is not None:
value += ' ** ' +
if self._tag:
value = '{} @ {}'.format(, value)
return value
[docs]class ComplexPattern(object):
A bound set of MonomerPatterns, i.e. a pattern to match a complex.
In BNG terms, a list of patterns combined with the '.' operator.
monomer_patterns : list of MonomerPatterns
MonomerPatterns that make up the complex.
compartment : Compartment or None
Location restriction. None means don't care.
match_once : bool, optional
If True, the pattern will only count once against a species in which the
pattern can match the monomer graph in multiple distinct ways. If False
(default), the pattern will count as many times as it matches the
monomer graph, leading to a faster effective reaction rate.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
def __init__(self, monomer_patterns, compartment, match_once=False):
# ensure compartment is a Compartment
if compartment and not isinstance(compartment, Compartment):
raise ValueError("compartment is not a Compartment object")
# Drop species cpt, if redundant
if compartment and len(monomer_patterns) == 1 and \
monomer_patterns[0].compartment == compartment:
compartment = None
cpts_by_dim = {
dim: {
mp.compartment for mp in monomer_patterns
if mp.compartment is not None and
mp.compartment.dimension == dim
} for dim in (2, 3)
if compartment is not None:
if len(cpts_by_dim[2]) > 1:
raise ValueError("ComplexPatterns are not allowed to span multiple "
"surface compartments. Offending compartments: "
if len(cpts_by_dim[3]) > 2:
raise ValueError("ComplexPattern are not allowed to span more than "
"two volume compartments. Offending compartments: "
if len(cpts_by_dim[3]) > 1 and not any(
any(cpt1.parent.parent == cpt2 for cpt2 in cpts_by_dim[3])
for cpt1 in cpts_by_dim[3]
if cpt1.parent is not None and cpt1.parent.parent is not None
raise ValueError("ComplexPatterns that span multiple volume "
"compartments must have these volume compartments "
"separated by a single surface compartment.")
if len(cpts_by_dim[3]) > 0:
surface_cpt = (
next(iter(cpts_by_dim[2])) if cpts_by_dim[2]
else None
if surface_cpt and not all(
cpt.parent == surface_cpt or surface_cpt.parent == cpt
for cpt in cpts_by_dim[3]
raise ValueError("ComplexPatterns are only allowed to span "
"adjacent volume and surface compartments.")
if (len(cpts_by_dim[3]) > 1 and compartment is not None and
compartment.dimension == 3):
raise ValueError(f"ComplexPatterns that span multiple volume "
f"compartments cannot be defined to be in a "
f"volume compartment.")
if (len(cpts_by_dim[2]) > 0 and compartment is not None and
compartment.dimension == 3):
raise ValueError(f"ComplexPatterns that span a surface "
f"compartment cannot be defined to be in a "
f"volume compartment.")
self.monomer_patterns = monomer_patterns
self.compartment = compartment
self.match_once = match_once
self._graph = None
self._tag = None
[docs] def is_concrete(self):
Return a bool indicating whether the pattern is 'concrete'.
'Concrete' means the pattern satisfies ANY of the following:
1. All monomer patterns are concrete
2. The compartment is specified AND all monomer patterns are site-concrete
# 1.
mp_concrete_ok = all(mp.is_concrete() for mp in self.monomer_patterns)
# 2.
compartment_ok = self.compartment is not None and \
all(mp.is_site_concrete() for mp in self.monomer_patterns)
return mp_concrete_ok or compartment_ok
def _as_graph(self):
Return the ComplexPattern represented as a networkx graph
ComplexPatterns can be represented as a graph. This is mainly useful
for comparing if ComplexPatterns are equivalent (see
It turns out this is non-trivial because 1) bond numbering is
arbitrary and 2) ComplexPatterns can contain MonomerPatterns which
are identical. The latter problem makes it impossible to merely
order the MonomerPatterns using a canonical ordering for comparison,
while ensuring correctness in all cases [Blinov2006]_.
We solve the problem using broadly the same approach as BioNetGen -
encode each complex pattern as a graph and check if they are
isomorphic to each other [Faeder2009]_. However, our approach
differs in that we do not need to use a hierarchical graph like
BioNetGen's hnauty algorithm. We use networkx, in which graph nodes are
Python objects rather than strings; thus, we ensure that
monomers/sites/states with the same name are not evaluated to be
equal, because they have different object type.
**Implementation details**
Each monomer, site, state and compartment is represented as a node.
Edges represent bonds (when between sites), or a relationship
(monomers have sites, sites have states, MonomerPatterns and
ComplexPatterns can have Compartments). A special "no bond" node is
used to denote that the connected site is unbound; this is necessary
because pattern matching is performed by checking for an isomorphic
subgraph, and we need to distinguish between explicitly unbound and
unspecified bond (equivalent to the `ANY` keyword).
Internally, networkx references nodes using an integer. We use a
private autoincrementing integer generator function `autoinc` to track
nodes, but this is not used when checking graph isomorphism (instead,
node to node object equality is checked).
The `WILD` keyword should match any bond except the special "no
bond" node - as special private `WildTester` function is used for
this purpose.
Compartment nodes for monomer patterns are tracked and kept unique by
the private `add_or_get_compartment_node` function, which uses a
dictionary to track Compartment->node_id mapping. The compartment of the
species [Harris2009]_ is also added as a separate node, as long as
inference is unambiguous.
.. [Blinov2006]
.. [Faeder2009]
.. [Harris2009]
if self._graph is not None:
return self._graph
NO_BOND = 'NoBond'
def autoinc():
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 1
node_count = autoinc()
class AnyBondTester(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return not isinstance(other, Component) and other != NO_BOND
any_bond_tester = AnyBondTester()
bond_edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
g = nx.Graph()
_cpt_nodes = {}
def add_or_get_compartment_node(cpt):
return _cpt_nodes[cpt]
except KeyError:
cpt_node_id = next(node_count)
_cpt_nodes[cpt] = cpt_node_id
g.add_node(cpt_node_id, id=cpt)
return cpt_node_id
if scpt := self.species_compartment() or self.compartment:
# note: this is not a regular compartment node
g.add_node(next(node_count), id=f'cpt_{}')
def _handle_site_instance(state_or_bond):
mon_site_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(mon_site_id, id=site)
g.add_edge(mon_node_id, mon_site_id)
state = None
bond_num = None
if state_or_bond is WILD:
elif isinstance(state_or_bond, str):
state = state_or_bond
elif is_state_bond_tuple(state_or_bond):
state = state_or_bond[0]
bond_num = state_or_bond[1]
elif isinstance(state_or_bond, (int, list)):
bond_num = state_or_bond
elif state_or_bond is not ANY and state_or_bond is not None:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized state: {}'.format(
if state_or_bond is ANY or bond_num is ANY:
bond_num = any_bond_tester
any_bond_tester_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(any_bond_tester_id, id=any_bond_tester)
g.add_edge(mon_site_id, any_bond_tester_id)
if state is not None:
mon_site_state_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(mon_site_state_id, id=state)
g.add_edge(mon_site_id, mon_site_state_id)
if bond_num is None:
elif isinstance(bond_num, int):
elif isinstance(bond_num, list):
for bond in bond_num:
for mp in self.monomer_patterns:
mon_node_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(mon_node_id, id=mp.monomer)
if mp.compartment or (
scpt and (
scpt.dimension == 3 or (
len(self.monomer_patterns) == 1 and
cpt_node_id = add_or_get_compartment_node(mp.compartment or
g.add_edge(mon_node_id, cpt_node_id)
for site, state_or_bond in mp.site_conditions.items():
if isinstance(state_or_bond, MultiState):
# Duplicate sites
[_handle_site_instance(s) for s in state_or_bond]
# Unbound edges
unbound_sites = bond_edges.pop(NO_BOND, None)
if unbound_sites is not None:
no_bond_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(no_bond_id, id=NO_BOND)
for unbound_site in unbound_sites:
g.add_edge(unbound_site, no_bond_id)
# Add bond edges
for site_nodes in bond_edges.values():
if len(site_nodes) == 1:
# Treat dangling bond as WILD
any_bond_tester_id = next(node_count)
g.add_node(any_bond_tester_id, id=any_bond_tester)
g.add_edge(site_nodes[0], any_bond_tester_id)
for n1, n2 in itertools.combinations(site_nodes, 2):
g.add_edge(n1, n2)
self._graph = g
return self._graph
[docs] def species_compartment(self):
Infers the species compartment of species matched by this ComplexPattern
according to the cBNGL definition. Returns `None` if inference of the
species compartment is ambiguous.
if not (
all(mp.is_site_concrete() for mp in self.monomer_patterns)
or self.compartment
or any(
mp.compartment.dimension == 2 for mp in self.monomer_patterns
if mp.compartment is not None
return None
if self.compartment:
return self.compartment
compartments = {
mp.compartment for mp in self.monomer_patterns
# if monomer patterns span multiple compartments, cBNGL defines
# the species compartment as the surface compartment (there may only be
# one surface compartment per species according to the cBNGL spec, and
# there cannot be two volume compartments without a surface
# compartment). Thus, we either have to find the surface compartment or
# there should be only one compartment in the set.
return next(
comp for comp in compartments
if (len(compartments) > 1 and comp is not None
and comp.dimension == 2)
or len(compartments) == 1
[docs] def is_equivalent_to(self, other):
Test a concrete ComplexPattern for equality with another.
Use of this method on non-concrete ComplexPatterns was previously
allowed, but is now deprecated.
from pysb.pattern import match_complex_pattern
# Didn't implement __eq__ to avoid confusion with __ne__ operator used
# for Rule building
# Check both patterns are concrete
if not self.is_concrete() or not other.is_concrete():
warnings.warn("is_equivalent_to() will only work with concrete "
"patterns in a future version", DeprecationWarning)
return match_complex_pattern(self, other, exact=True)
[docs] def matches(self, other):
Compare another ComplexPattern against this one
other: ComplexPattern
A ComplexPattern to match against self
True if other matches self; False otherwise.
if not self.is_concrete():
raise ValueError('matches() requires self to be a concrete '
from pysb.pattern import match_complex_pattern
return match_complex_pattern(other, self, exact=False)
[docs] def copy(self):
Implement our own brand of shallow copy.
The new object will have references to the original compartment, and
copies of the monomer_patterns.
cp = ComplexPattern([mp() for mp in self.monomer_patterns],
cp._tag = self._tag
return cp
def __call__(self, conditions=None, **kwargs):
"""Build a new ComplexPattern with updated site conditions."""
kwargs = extract_site_conditions(conditions, **kwargs)
# Ensure we don't have more than one of any Monomer in our patterns.
mon_counts = collections.Counter( for mp in
dup_monomers = [mon for mon, count in mon_counts.items() if count > 1]
if dup_monomers:
raise DuplicateMonomerError("ComplexPattern has duplicate "
"Monomers: " + str(dup_monomers))
# Ensure all specified sites are present in some Monomer.
self_site_groups = (mp.monomer.sites for mp in self.monomer_patterns)
self_sites = list(itertools.chain(*self_site_groups))
unknown_sites = set(kwargs).difference(self_sites)
if unknown_sites:
raise UnknownSiteError("Unknown sites in argument list: " +
", ".join(unknown_sites))
# Ensure no specified site is present in multiple Monomers.
used_sites = [s for s in self_sites if s in kwargs]
sgroups = itertools.groupby(sorted(used_sites))
scounts = [(name, sum(1 for s in sites)) for name, sites in sgroups]
dup_sites = [name for name, count in scounts if count > 1]
if dup_sites:
raise DuplicateSiteError("ComplexPattern has duplicate sites: " +
# Copy self so we can modify it in place before returning it.
cp = self.copy()
# Build map from site name to MonomerPattern.
site_map = {}
for mp in cp.monomer_patterns:
site_map.update(dict.fromkeys(mp.monomer.sites, mp))
# Apply kwargs to our ComplexPatterns.
for site, condition in kwargs.items():
site_map[site].site_conditions[site] = condition
return cp
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ComplexPattern):
return ReactionPattern([self, other])
elif isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ReactionPattern([self, ComplexPattern([other], None)])
elif other is None:
rp = as_reaction_pattern(self)
return rp
return NotImplemented
def __radd__(self, other):
if other is None:
rp = as_reaction_pattern(self)
rp.complex_patterns = [None] + rp.complex_patterns
return rp
return NotImplemented
def __mod__(self, other):
if self._tag:
raise ValueError('Tag should be specified at the end of the complex')
if isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ComplexPattern(self.monomer_patterns + [other], self.compartment, self.match_once)
elif isinstance(other, ComplexPattern):
if self.compartment is not other.compartment:
raise ValueError("merged ComplexPatterns must specify the same compartment")
elif self.match_once != other.match_once:
raise ValueError("merged ComplexPatterns must have the same value of match_once")
return ComplexPattern(self.monomer_patterns + other.monomer_patterns, self.compartment, self.match_once)
return NotImplemented
def __rmod__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ComplexPattern([other] + self.monomer_patterns, self.compartment, self.match_once)
return NotImplemented
def __rshift__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(self, other, False)
def __rrshift__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(other, self, False)
def __or__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(self, other, True)
def __ror__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(other, self, True)
def __ne__(self, other):
warnings.warn("'<>' for reversible rules will be removed in a future "
"version of PySB. Use '|' instead.",
return self.__or__(other)
def __pow__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Compartment):
if self.compartment is not None:
raise CompartmentAlreadySpecifiedError()
cp_new = self.copy()
cp_new.compartment = other
return cp_new
return NotImplemented
def __matmul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Tag):
return NotImplemented
if self._tag:
raise TagAlreadySpecifiedError()
cp_new = self.copy()
cp_new._tag = other
return cp_new
def __repr__(self):
# Monomer patterns need to be in parentheses if they have a tag,
# except in the first position, to preserve operator precedence
ret = ' % '.join(
if idx == 0 or p._tag is None
else '({})'.format(repr(p))
for idx, p in enumerate(self.monomer_patterns)])
if self.compartment:
if len(self.monomer_patterns) > 1:
ret = '(%s)' % ret
ret = 'as_complex_pattern(%s)' % ret
ret += ' ** %s' %
if self.match_once:
ret = 'MatchOnce(%s)' % ret
if self._tag:
ret = '{} @ {}'.format(ret,
return ret
[docs]class ReactionPattern(object):
A pattern for the entire product or reactant side of a rule.
Essentially a thin wrapper around a list of ComplexPatterns. In BNG terms, a
list of complex patterns combined with the '+' operator.
complex_patterns : list of ComplexPatterns
ComplexPatterns that make up the reaction pattern.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
def __init__(self, complex_patterns):
self.complex_patterns = complex_patterns
from pysb.pattern import check_dangling_bonds
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return ReactionPattern(self.complex_patterns + [ComplexPattern([other], None)])
elif isinstance(other, ComplexPattern):
return ReactionPattern(self.complex_patterns + [other])
elif other is None:
return self
return NotImplemented
def __radd__(self, other):
if other is None:
self.complex_patterns = [None] + self.complex_patterns
return self
return NotImplemented
def __rshift__(self, other):
"""Irreversible reaction"""
return build_rule_expression(self, other, False)
def __rrshift__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(other, self, False)
def __or__(self, other):
return build_rule_expression(self, other, True)
def __ne__(self, other):
warnings.warn("'<>' for reversible rules will be removed in a future "
"version of PySB. Use '|' instead.",
return self.__or__(other)
def __repr__(self):
if len(self.complex_patterns):
return ' + '.join([repr(p) for p in self.complex_patterns])
return 'None'
[docs] def matches(self, other):
Match the 'other' ReactionPattern against this one
See :func:`pysb.pattern.match_reaction_pattern` for details
from pysb.pattern import match_reaction_pattern
return match_reaction_pattern(other, self)
[docs]class RuleExpression(object):
A container for the reactant and product patterns of a rule expression.
Contains one ReactionPattern for each of reactants and products, and a bool
indicating reversibility. This is a temporary object used to implement
syntactic sugar through operator overloading. The Rule constructor takes an
instance of this class as its first argument, but simply extracts its fields
and discards the object itself.
reactant_pattern, product_pattern : ReactionPattern
The reactants and products of the rule.
is_reversible : bool
If True, the reaction is reversible. If False, it's irreversible.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
def __init__(self, reactant_pattern, product_pattern, is_reversible):
self.reactant_pattern = reactant_pattern
self.product_pattern = product_pattern
self.is_reversible = is_reversible
def __repr__(self):
operator = '|' if self.is_reversible else '>>'
return '%s %s %s' % (repr(self.reactant_pattern), operator,
[docs]def as_complex_pattern(v):
"""Internal helper to 'upgrade' a MonomerPattern to a ComplexPattern."""
if isinstance(v, ComplexPattern):
return v
elif isinstance(v, Monomer):
return ComplexPattern([v()], None)
elif isinstance(v, MonomerPattern):
return ComplexPattern([v], None)
raise InvalidComplexPatternException
[docs]def as_reaction_pattern(v):
"""Internal helper to 'upgrade' a Complex- or MonomerPattern or None to a
complete ReactionPattern."""
if isinstance(v, ReactionPattern):
return v
elif v is None:
return ReactionPattern([])
return ReactionPattern([as_complex_pattern(v)])
except InvalidComplexPatternException:
raise InvalidReactionPatternException
[docs]def build_rule_expression(reactant, product, is_reversible):
"""Internal helper for operators which return a RuleExpression."""
# Make sure the types of both reactant and product are acceptable.
reactant = as_reaction_pattern(reactant)
product = as_reaction_pattern(product)
except InvalidReactionPatternException:
return NotImplemented
# Synthesis/degradation rules cannot be reversible.
if (reactant is None or product is None) and is_reversible:
raise InvalidReversibleSynthesisDegradationRule
return RuleExpression(reactant, product, is_reversible)
[docs]class Parameter(Component, Symbol):
Model component representing a named constant floating point number.
Parameters are used as reaction rate constants, compartment volumes and
initial (boundary) conditions for species.
value : number, optional
The numerical value of the parameter. Defaults to 0.0 if not specified.
The provided value is converted to a float before being stored, so any
value that cannot be coerced to a float will trigger an exception.
nonnegative : bool, optional
Sets the assumption whether this parameter is nonnegative (>=0).
Affects simplifications of expressions that involve this parameter.
By default, parameters are assumed to be non-negative.
integer : bool, optional
Sets the assumption whether this parameter takes integer values,
which affects simplifications of expressions that involve this
parameter. By default, parameters are not assumed to take integer values.
value (see Parameters above).
def __new__(cls, name, value=0.0, _export=True, nonnegative=True,
return super(Parameter, cls).__new__(cls, name, real=True,
def __getnewargs__(self):
return (, self.value, False, self.assumptions0['nonnegative'],
def __init__(self, name, value=0.0, _export=True, nonnegative=True,
self.value = value
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, new_value):
self._value = float(new_value)
def get_value(self):
return self.value
def check_value(self, value):
if self.is_integer:
if not float(value).is_integer():
raise ValueError('Cannot assign an non-integer value to a '
'parameter assumed to be an integer')
if self.is_nonnegative:
if float(value) < 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot assign a negative value to a '
'parameter assumed to be nonnegative')
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(, repr(self.value))
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
[docs]class Compartment(Component):
Model component representing a bounded reaction volume.
parent : Compartment, optional
Compartment which contains this one. If not specified, this will be the
outermost compartment and its parent will be set to None.
dimension : integer, optional
The number of spatial dimensions in the compartment, either 2 (i.e. a
membrane) or 3 (a volume).
size : Parameter or Expression, optional
A parameter or constant expression object whose value defines the
volume or area of the compartment. If not specified, the size will be
fixed at 1.0.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
The compartments of a model must form a tree via their `parent` attributes
with a three-dimensional (volume) compartment at the root. A volume
compartment may have any number of two-dimensional (membrane) compartments
as its children, but never another volume compartment. A membrane
compartment may have a single volume compartment as its child, but nothing
Compartment('cytosol', dimension=3, size=cyto_vol, parent=ec_membrane)
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, dimension=3, size=None, _export=True):
if parent != None and isinstance(parent, Compartment) == False:
raise Exception("parent must be a predefined Compartment or None")
#FIXME: check for only ONE "None" parent? i.e. only one compartment can have a parent None?
if size is not None and not isinstance(size, Parameter) and not \
(isinstance(size, Expression) and size.is_constant_expression()):
raise Exception("size must be a parameter or a constant expression"
" (or omitted)")
self.parent = parent
self.dimension = dimension
self.size = size
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(name=%s, parent=%s, dimension=%s, size=%s)' % (
'None' if self.parent is None else,
'None' if self.size is None else
[docs]class Rule(Component):
Model component representing a reaction rule.
rule_expression : RuleExpression
RuleExpression containing the essence of the rule (reactants, products,
rate_forward : Union[Parameter,Expression]
Forward reaction rate constant.
rate_reverse : Union[Parameter,Expression], optional
Reverse reaction rate constant (only required for reversible rules).
delete_molecules : bool, optional
If True, deleting a Monomer from a species is allowed to fragment the
species into multiple pieces (if the deleted Monomer was the sole link
between those pieces). If False (default) then fragmentation is
disallowed and the rule will not match a reactant species if applying
the rule would fragment a species.
move_connected : bool, optional
If True, a rule that transports a Monomer between compartments will
co-transport anything connected to that Monomer by a path in the same
compartment. If False (default), connected Monomers will remain where
they were.
energy : bool, optional
If True, this rule is an energy rule (as in Energy BNG) and the two
parameters are interpreted as the 'phi' and deltaG parameters of the
Arrhenius equation (see Hogg 2013 for details).
total_rate: bool, optional
If True, the rate is considered to be macroscopic and is not
multiplied by the number of reactant molecules during simulation.
If False (default), the rate is multiplied by number of reactant
Keyword is used by BioNetGen only for simulations using NFsim.
Keyword is ignored by generate_network command of BioNetGen.
Identical to Parameters (see above), plus the component elements of
`rule_expression`: reactant_pattern, product_pattern and is_reversible.
def __init__(self, name, rule_expression, rate_forward, rate_reverse=None,
delete_molecules=False, move_connected=False, energy=False,
total_rate=False, _export=True):
if not isinstance(rule_expression, RuleExpression):
raise Exception("rule_expression is not a RuleExpression object")
validate_expr(rate_forward, "forward rate")
if rule_expression.is_reversible:
validate_expr(rate_reverse, "reverse rate")
elif rate_reverse:
raise ValueError('Reverse rate specified, but rule expression is '
'not reversible. Use | instead of >>.')
self.rule_expression = rule_expression
self.reactant_pattern = rule_expression.reactant_pattern
self.product_pattern = rule_expression.product_pattern
self.is_reversible = rule_expression.is_reversible
self.rate_forward = rate_forward
self.rate_reverse = rate_reverse
self.delete_molecules = delete_molecules
self.move_connected = move_connected = energy
self.total_rate = total_rate
# TODO: ensure all numbered sites are referenced exactly twice within each of reactants and products
# Check synthesis products are concrete
if self.is_synth():
rp = self.reactant_pattern if self.is_reversible else \
for cp in rp.complex_patterns:
if not cp.is_concrete():
raise ValueError('Product {} of synthesis rule {} is not '
'concrete'.format(cp, name))
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
# Get tags from rule expression
tags = set()
for rxn_pat in (rule_expression.reactant_pattern,
if rxn_pat.complex_patterns:
for cp in rxn_pat.complex_patterns:
if cp is not None:
if cp._tag:
tags.update(mp._tag for mp in cp.monomer_patterns
if mp._tag is not None)
# Check that tags defined in rates are used in the expression
tags_rates = (self._check_rate_tags('forward', tags) +
self._check_rate_tags('reverse', tags))
missing = tags.difference(set(tags_rates))
if missing:
names = [ for t in missing]
'Rule "{}": Tags {} defined in rule expression but not used in '
'rates'.format(, ', '.join(names)), UserWarning)
def _check_rate_tags(self, direction, tags):
rate = self.rate_forward if direction == 'forward' else \
if not isinstance(rate, Expression):
return []
tags_rate = rate.tags()
missing = set(tags_rate).difference(tags)
if missing:
names = [ for t in missing]
raise ValueError(
'Rule "{}": Tag(s) {} defined in {} rate but not in '
'expression'.format(, ', '.join(names), direction))
return tags_rate
[docs] def is_synth(self):
"""Return a bool indicating whether this is a synthesis rule."""
return len(self.reactant_pattern.complex_patterns) == 0 or \
(self.is_reversible and
len(self.product_pattern.complex_patterns) == 0)
[docs] def is_deg(self):
"""Return a bool indicating whether this is a degradation rule."""
return len(self.product_pattern.complex_patterns) == 0 or \
(self.is_reversible and
len(self.reactant_pattern.complex_patterns) == 0)
def __repr__(self):
ret = '%s(%s, %s, %s' % \
(self.__class__.__name__, repr(,
if self.is_reversible:
ret += ', %s' %
if self.delete_molecules:
ret += ', delete_molecules=True'
if self.move_connected:
ret += ', move_connected=True'
ret += ', energy=True'
ret += ')'
return ret
[docs]class EnergyPattern(Component):
Model component representing an energy pattern.
pattern : ComplexPattern
ComplexPattern describing the species to which the given deltaG in
`energy` should be attributed.
energy : sympy.Expr
Expression containing model parameters that defines the deltaG to be
ascribed to the part of a species matched by `pattern`.
Identical to Parameters (see above).
def __init__(self, name, pattern, energy, _export=True):
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
pattern = as_complex_pattern(pattern)
except InvalidComplexPatternException as e:
raise ValueError("pattern must be a ComplexPattern")
validate_expr(energy, "energy")
self.pattern = pattern = energy
def __repr__(self):
ret = '%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(,
return ret
[docs]def validate_expr(obj, description):
"""Raises an exception if the argument is not an expression."""
if not isinstance(obj, (Parameter, Expression)):
description_upperfirst = description[0].upper() + description[1:]
msg = "%s must be a Parameter or Expression" % description_upperfirst
raise ExpressionError(msg)
[docs]def validate_const_expr(obj, description):
"""Raises an exception if the argument is not a constant expression."""
validate_expr(obj, description)
if isinstance(obj, Expression) and not obj.is_constant_expression():
description_upperfirst = description[0].upper() + description[1:]
msg = ("%s must be a Parameter or constant Expression" %
raise ConstantExpressionError(msg)
[docs]class Observable(Component, Symbol):
Model component representing a linear combination of species.
Observables are useful in correlating model simulation results with
experimental measurements. For example, an observable for "A()" will report
on the total number of copies of Monomer A, regardless of what it's bound to
or the state of its sites. "A(y='P')" would report on all instances of A
with site 'y' in state 'P'.
reaction_pattern : ReactionPattern
The list of ComplexPatterns to match.
match : 'species' or 'molecules'
Whether to match entire species ('species') or individual fragments
('molecules'). Default is 'molecules'.
reaction_pattern : ReactionPattern
See Parameters.
match : 'species' or 'molecules'
See Parameters.
species : list of integers
List of species indexes for species matching the pattern.
coefficients : list of integers
List of coefficients by which each species amount is to be multiplied to
correct for multiple pattern matches within a species.
ReactionPattern is used here as a container for a list of ComplexPatterns,
solely so users could utilize the ComplexPattern '+' operator overload as
syntactic sugar. There are no actual "reaction" semantics in this context.
def __new__(cls, name, reaction_pattern, match='molecules', _export=True):
return super(Observable, cls).__new__(cls, name)
def __getnewargs__(self):
return, self.reaction_pattern, self.match, False
def __init__(self, name, reaction_pattern, match='molecules', _export=True):
reaction_pattern = as_reaction_pattern(reaction_pattern)
except InvalidReactionPatternException as e:
raise type(e)("Observable pattern does not look like a ReactionPattern")
if match not in ('molecules', 'species'):
raise ValueError("Match must be 'molecules' or 'species'")
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
self.reaction_pattern = reaction_pattern
self.match = match
self.species = []
self.coefficients = []
[docs] def expand_obs(self):
""" Expand observables in terms of species and coefficients """
return sympy.Add(*[a * b for a, b in zip(
[sympy.Symbol('__s%d' % sp_id) for sp_id in self.species]
def __repr__(self):
ret = '%s(%s, %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(,
if self.match != 'molecules':
ret += ', match=%s' % repr(self.match)
ret += ')'
return ret
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def __call__(self, tag):
if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
raise ValueError('Observables are only callable with a Tag '
'instance, for use within local Expressions')
return sympy.Function(
[docs]class Expression(Component, Symbol):
Model component representing a symbolic expression of other variables.
expr : sympy.Expr
Symbolic expression.
expr : sympy.Expr
See Parameters.
def __new__(cls, name, expr, _export=True):
return super(Expression, cls).__new__(cls, name)
def __getnewargs__(self):
return, self.expr, False
def __init__(self, name, expr, _export=True):
if not isinstance(expr, sympy.Expr):
raise ValueError('An Expression can only be created from a '
'sympy.Expr object')
self.expr = expr
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
[docs] def expand_expr(self, expand_observables=False):
"""Return expr rewritten in terms of terminal symbols only."""
subs = []
for a in self.expr.atoms():
if isinstance(a, Expression):
subs.append((a, a.expand_expr(
elif expand_observables and isinstance(a, Observable):
subs.append((a, a.expand_obs()))
return self.expr.subs(subs)
[docs] def is_constant_expression(self):
"""Return True if all terminal symbols are Parameters or numbers."""
return all(isinstance(a, Parameter) or
(isinstance(a, Expression) and a.is_constant_expression()) or
isinstance(a, sympy.Number)
for a in self.expr.atoms())
def get_value(self):
# Use parameter and expression values for evaluation
subs = {}
for a in self.expr.atoms():
if isinstance(a, Parameter):
subs[a] = a.value
elif isinstance(a, Expression) and a.is_constant_expression():
subs[a] = a.get_value()
return self.expr.xreplace(subs)
def is_local(self):
return len(self.expr.atoms(Tag)) > 0
def tags(self):
return sorted(self.expr.atoms(Tag), key=lambda tag:
def __repr__(self):
if isinstance(self.expr, (Parameter, Expression)):
expr_repr =
expr_repr = repr(self.expr)
ret = '%s(%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(,
return ret
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def __call__(self, tag):
if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
raise ValueError('Expressions are only callable with a Tag '
'instance, for use within local Expressions')
return sympy.Function(
[docs]class Tag(Component, Symbol):
"""Tag for labelling MonomerPatterns and ComplexPatterns"""
def __new__(cls, name, _export=True):
return super(Tag, cls).__new__(cls, name)
def __getnewargs__(self):
return, False
def __init__(self, name, _export=True):
Component.__init__(self, name, _export)
def __matmul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, MonomerPattern):
return NotImplemented
if other._tag:
raise TagAlreadySpecifiedError()
new_mp = other()
new_mp._tag = self
return new_mp
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(
[docs]class Initial(object):
An initial condition for a species.
An initial condition is made up of a species, its amount or concentration,
and whether it is to be held fixed during a simulation.
Species patterns must satisfy all of the following:
* Able to be cast as a ComplexPattern
* Concrete (see ComplexPattern.is_concrete)
* Distinct from any existing initial condition pattern
* match_once is False (nonsensical in this context)
pattern : ComplexPattern
A concrete pattern defining the species to initialize.
value : Parameter or Expression Amount of the species the model will start
with. If an Expression is used, it must evaluate to a constant (can't
reference any Observables).
fixed : bool
Whether or not the species should be held fixed (never consumed).
Identical to Parameters (see above).
def __init__(self, pattern, value, fixed=False, _export=True):
pattern = as_complex_pattern(pattern)
except InvalidComplexPatternException as e:
raise InvalidInitialConditionError("Not a ComplexPattern")
if not pattern.is_concrete():
raise InvalidInitialConditionError("Pattern not concrete")
if pattern.match_once:
raise InvalidInitialConditionError("MatchOnce not allowed here")
validate_const_expr(value, "initial condition value")
self.pattern = pattern
self.value = value
self.fixed = fixed
self._export = _export
if self._export:
def __repr__(self):
ret = '%s(%s, %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.pattern),
if self.fixed:
ret += ', fixed=True'
ret += ')'
return ret
[docs]class Model(object):
A rule-based model containing monomers, rules, compartments and parameters.
name : string, optional
Name of the model. If not specified, will be set to the name of the file
from which the constructor was called (with the .py extension stripped).
base : Model, optional
If specified, the model will begin as a copy of `base`. This can be used
to achieve a simple sort of model extension and enhancement.
name : string
Name of the model. See Parameter section above.
base : Model or None
See Parameter section above.
monomers, compartments, parameters, rules, observables : ComponentSet
The Component objects which make up the model.
initials : list of Initial
Specifies which species are present in the model's starting
state (t=0) and how much there is of each one.
initial_conditions : list of tuple of (ComplexPattern, Parameter)
The old representation of initial conditions, deprecated in favor of
species : list of ComplexPattern
List of all complexes which can be produced by the model, starting from
the initial conditions and successively applying the rules. Each
ComplexPattern is concrete.
reactions : list of dict
Structures describing each possible unidirectional reaction that can be
produced by the model. Each structure stores the name of the rule that
generated the reaction ('rule'), the mathematical expression for the
rate of the reaction ('rate'), tuples of species indexes for the
reactants and products ('reactants', 'products'), and a bool indicating
whether the reaction is the reverse component of a bidirectional
reaction ('reverse').
reactions_bidirectional : list of dict
Similar to `reactions` but with only one entry for each bidirectional
reaction. The fields are identical except 'reverse' is replaced by
'reversible', a bool indicating whether the reaction is reversible. The
'rate' is the forward rate minus the reverse rate.
annotations : list of Annotation
Structured annotations of model components. See the Annotation class for
_component_types = (Monomer, Compartment, Parameter, Rule, Observable,
Expression, EnergyPattern, Tag)
def __init__(self, name=None, base=None, _export=True): = name
self.base = base
self._export = _export
self.monomers = ComponentSet()
self.compartments = ComponentSet()
self.parameters = ComponentSet()
self.rules = ComponentSet()
self.observables = ComponentSet()
self.expressions = ComponentSet()
self.energypatterns = ComponentSet()
self.tags = ComponentSet()
self.initials = []
self.annotations = []
self._odes = OdeView(self)
self._initial_conditions = InitialConditionsView(self)
self.diffusivities = []
if self._export:
if self.base is not None:
if not isinstance(self.base, Model):
raise ValueError("base must be a Model")
model_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.base)
for component in model_copy.all_components():
self.initials = model_copy.initials
self.annotations = model_copy.annotations
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
# The stoichiometry matrix, as a numpy array, is problematic to pickle
# in a cross-Python-version-compatible way. Since it's regenerated on
# demand anyway, we can just clear it here.
state['_stoichiometry_matrix'] = None
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
# restore the 'model' weakrefs on all components
for c in self.all_components():
c.model = weakref.ref(self)
[docs] def reload(self):
Reload a model after its source files have been edited.
This method does not yet reload the model contents in-place, rather it
returns a new model object. Thus the correct usage is ``model =
If the model script imports any modules, these will not be reloaded. Use
python's reload() function to reload them.
# forcibly removes the .pyc file and reloads the model module
model_pyc = SelfExporter.target_module.__file__
if model_pyc[-3:] == '.py':
model_pyc += 'c'
except OSError as e:
# ignore "no such file" errors, re-raise the rest
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
except SystemError as e:
# This one specific SystemError occurs when using ipython to 'run' a model .py file
# directly, then reload()ing the model, which makes no sense anyway. (just re-run it)
if e.args == ('nameless module',):
raise Exception('Cannot reload a model which was executed directly in an interactive'
'session. Please import the model file as a module instead.')
# return self for "model = model.reload()" idiom, until a better solution can be found
return SelfExporter.default_model
def modules(self):
Return the set of Python modules where Components are defined
List of module names where model Components are defined
>>> from pysb.examples.earm_1_0 import model
>>> 'pysb.examples.earm_1_0' in model.modules
all_components = self.components
if not all_components:
return []
return sorted(set.union(*[set(c._modules) for c in all_components]))
[docs] def all_component_sets(self):
"""Return a list of all ComponentSet objects."""
set_names = [t.__name__.lower() + 's' for t in Model._component_types]
sets = [getattr(self, name) for name in set_names]
return sets
[docs] def all_components(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet containing all components in the model."""
cset_all = ComponentSet()
for cset in self.all_component_sets():
cset_all |= cset
return cset_all
def components(self):
return self.all_components()
[docs] def parameters_all(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of all parameters and derived parameters."""
return self.parameters | self._derived_parameters
[docs] def parameters_rules(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of the parameters used in rules."""
# rate_reverse is None for irreversible rules, so we'll need to filter those out
cset = ComponentSet(p for r in self.rules for p in (r.rate_forward, r.rate_reverse)
if p is not None)
# intersect with original parameter list to retain ordering
return self.parameters & cset
[docs] def parameters_initial_conditions(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of initial condition parameters."""
cset = ComponentSet(ic.value for ic in self.initials)
# intersect with original parameter list to retain ordering
return self.parameters & cset
[docs] def parameters_compartments(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of compartment size parameters."""
cset = ComponentSet(c.size for c in self.compartments)
# intersect with original parameter list to retain ordering
return self.parameters & cset
[docs] def parameters_expressions(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of the parameters used in expressions."""
cset = ComponentSet()
for expr in self.expressions:
for sym in expr.expand_expr().free_symbols:
if sym in self.parameters:
# intersect with original parameter list to retain ordering
return self.parameters & cset
[docs] def parameters_unused(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of unused parameters."""
cset_used = (self.parameters_rules() | self.parameters_initial_conditions() |
self.parameters_compartments() | self.parameters_expressions())
return self.parameters - cset_used
[docs] def expressions_constant(self, include_derived=False):
"""Return a ComponentSet of constant expressions."""
expressions = self.expressions
if include_derived:
expressions = expressions | self._derived_expressions
cset = ComponentSet(e for e in expressions if e.is_constant_expression())
return cset
[docs] def expressions_dynamic(self, include_local=True, include_derived=False):
"""Return a ComponentSet of non-constant expressions."""
expressions = self.expressions
if include_derived:
expressions = expressions | self._derived_expressions
cset = expressions - self.expressions_constant(include_derived)
if not include_local:
cset = ComponentSet(e for e in cset if not e.is_local)
return cset
[docs] def rules_energy(self):
"""Return a ComponentSet of energy-based rules."""
return ComponentSet(r for r in self.rules if
def uses_energy(self):
"""Return True if model uses energy features."""
return bool(self.energypatterns or self.rules_energy())
def odes(self):
"""Return sympy Expressions for the time derivative of each species."""
return self._odes
def stoichiometry_matrix(self):
"""Return the stoichiometry matrix for the reaction network."""
if self._stoichiometry_matrix is None:
shape = (len(self.species), len(self.reactions))
sm = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(shape, dtype='int')
for i, reaction in enumerate(self.reactions):
for r in reaction['reactants']:
sm[r, i] -= 1
for p in reaction['products']:
sm[p, i] += 1
fixed = [i for i, ic in enumerate(self.initials) if ic.fixed]
sm[fixed, :] = 0
self._stoichiometry_matrix = sm.tocsr()
return self._stoichiometry_matrix
[docs] def add_component(self, other):
"""Add a component to the model."""
# We have a container for each type of component. This code determines
# the right one based on the class of the object being added.
for t, cset in zip(Model._component_types, self.all_component_sets()):
if isinstance(other, t):
other.model = weakref.ref(self)
raise Exception("Tried to add component of unknown type '%s' to "
"model" % type(other))
[docs] def add_annotation(self, annotation):
"""Add an annotation to the model."""
[docs] def get_annotations(self, subject):
"""Return all annotations for the given subject."""
annotations = []
for a in self.annotations:
if a.subject is subject:
return annotations
def _rename_component(self, component, new_name):
Change a component's name.
This has to be done through the Model because the ComponentSet needs to
be updated as well as the component's `name` field.
for cset in self.all_component_sets():
if component in cset:
cset.rename(component, new_name)
def add_initial(self, initial):
if initial in self.initials:
if any(
for other in self.initials
raise InvalidInitialConditionError("Duplicate species")
[docs] def initial(self, pattern, value, fixed=False):
"""Add an initial condition.
This method is deprecated. Instead, create an Initial object
and pass it to add_initial.
'Model.initial will be removed in a future version. Instead,'
' create an Initial object and pass it to Model.add_initial.',
self.add_initial(Initial(pattern, value, fixed, _export=False))
def initial_conditions(self):
'Model.initial_conditions will be removed in a future version.'
' Instead, you can get a list of Initial objects with'
' Model.initials.', DeprecationWarning
return self._initial_conditions
[docs] def update_initial_condition_pattern(self, before_pattern, after_pattern):
Update the pattern associated with an initial condition.
Leaves the Parameter object associated with the initial condition
unchanged while modifying the pattern associated with that condition.
For example this is useful for changing the state of a site on a
monomer or complex associated with an initial condition without having
to create an independent initial condition, and parameter, associated
with that alternative state.
before_pattern : ComplexPattern
The concrete pattern specifying the (already existing) initial
condition. If the model does not contain an initial condition
for the pattern, a ValueError is raised.
after_pattern : ComplexPattern
The concrete pattern specifying the new pattern to use to replace
before_pattern = as_complex_pattern(before_pattern)
# Get the initial condition index
ic_index_list = [
i for i, ic in enumerate(self.initials)
if ic.pattern.is_equivalent_to(before_pattern)
# If the initial condition to replace is not found, raise an error
if not ic_index_list:
raise ValueError("No initial condition found for pattern %s" %
# If more than one matching initial condition is found, raise an
# error (this should never happen, because duplicate initial conditions
# are not allowed to be created)
assert len(ic_index_list) == 1
# Replace the pattern in the initial condition
initial_index = ic_index_list[0]
self.initials[initial_index].pattern = after_pattern
[docs] def get_species_index(self, complex_pattern):
Return the index of a species.
complex_pattern : ComplexPattern
A concrete pattern specifying the species to find.
# FIXME I don't even want to think about the inefficiency of this, but at least it works
return next((i for i, s_cp in enumerate(self.species) if s_cp.is_equivalent_to(complex_pattern)))
except StopIteration:
return None
[docs] def has_synth_deg(self):
"""Return true if model uses synthesis or degradation reactions."""
return any(r.is_synth() or r.is_deg() for r in self.rules)
[docs] def enable_synth_deg(self):
"""Add components needed to support synthesis and degradation rules."""
warnings.warn('This function is no longer needed, and no longer has '
'any effect.', DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def reset_equations(self):
"""Clear out fields generated by bng.generate_equations or the like."""
self.species = []
self.reactions = []
self.reactions_bidirectional = []
self._stoichiometry_matrix = None
self._derived_parameters = ComponentSet()
self._derived_expressions = ComponentSet()
for obs in self.observables:
obs.species = []
obs.coefficients = []
def __repr__(self):
return ("<%s '%s' (monomers: %d, rules: %d, parameters: %d, "
"expressions: %d, compartments: %d, energypatterns: %d) "
"at 0x%x>" %
len(self.monomers), len(self.rules), len(self.parameters),
len(self.expressions), len(self.compartments),
len(self.energypatterns), id(self)))
[docs]class InvalidComplexPatternException(Exception):
"""Expression can not be cast as a ComplexPattern."""
[docs]class InvalidReactionPatternException(Exception):
"""Expression can not be cast as a ReactionPattern."""
[docs]class InvalidReversibleSynthesisDegradationRule(Exception):
"""Synthesis or degradation rule defined as reversible."""
def __init__(self):
Exception.__init__(self, "Synthesis and degradation rules may not be"
[docs]class ExpressionError(ValueError):
"""Expected an Expression but got something else."""
[docs]class ConstantExpressionError(ValueError):
"""Expected a constant Expression but got something else."""
[docs]class ModelExistsWarning(UserWarning):
"""A second model was declared in a module that already contains one."""
[docs]class SymbolExistsWarning(UserWarning):
"""A component declaration or rename overwrote an existing symbol."""
[docs]class InvalidComponentNameError(ValueError):
"""Inappropriate component name."""
def __init__(self, name):
ValueError.__init__(self, "Not a valid component name: '%s'" % name)
[docs]class InvalidInitialConditionError(ValueError):
"""Invalid initial condition pattern."""
[docs]class DuplicateMonomerError(ValueError):
[docs]class DuplicateSiteError(ValueError):
[docs]class UnknownSiteError(ValueError):
[docs]class CompartmentAlreadySpecifiedError(ValueError):
[docs]class TagAlreadySpecifiedError(ValueError):
[docs]class ModelNotDefinedError(RuntimeError):
"""SelfExporter method was called before a model was defined."""
def __init__(self):
super(RuntimeError, self).__init__(
"A Model must be declared before declaring any model components"
[docs]class ComponentSet(Set, Mapping, Sequence):
An add-and-read-only container for storing model Components.
It behaves mostly like an ordered set, but components can also be retrieved
by name *or* index by using the [] operator (like a combination of a dict
and a list). Components cannot be removed or replaced, but they can be
renamed. Iteration returns the component objects.
iterable : iterable of Components, optional
Initial contents of the set.
# The implementation is based on a list instead of a linked list (as
# OrderedSet is), since we only allow add and retrieve, not delete.
def __init__(self, iterable=None):
self._elements = []
self._map = {}
self._index_map = {}
if iterable is not None:
for value in iterable:
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._elements)
def __contains__(self, c):
if not isinstance(c, Component):
raise TypeError("Can only work with Components, got a %s" % type(c))
return in self._map and self[] is c
def __len__(self):
return len(self._elements)
def add(self, c):
if c not in self:
if in self._map:
raise ComponentDuplicateNameError(
"Tried to add a component with a duplicate name: %s"
self._map[] = c
self._index_map[] = len(self._elements) - 1
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Must support both Sequence and Mapping behavior. This means
# stringified integer Mapping keys (like "0") are forbidden, but since
# all Component names must be valid Python identifiers, integers are
# ruled out anyway.
if isinstance(key, (int, slice)):
return self._elements[key]
return self._map[key]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
except KeyError as e:
raise AttributeError("Model has no component '%s'" % name)
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__dict__ = state
def __dir__(self):
return self.keys()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None):
if isinstance(key, int):
raise ValueError("get is undefined for integer arguments, use []"
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
[docs] def filter(self, filter_predicate):
Filter a ComponentSet using a predicate or set of predicates
filter_predicate: callable or pysb.pattern.FilterPredicate
A predicate (condition) to test each Component in the
ComponentSet against. This can either be an anonymous "lambda"
function or a subclass of pysb.pattern.FilterPredicate. For
lambda functions, the argument is a single Component and return
value is a boolean indicating a match or not.
A ComponentSet containing Components matching all of the
supplied filters
>>> from pysb.examples.earm_1_0 import model
>>> from pysb.pattern import Name, Pattern, Module, Function
>>> m = model.monomers
Find parameters exactly equal to 10000:
>>> model.parameters.filter(lambda c: c.value == 1e4) \
Parameter('pC3_0', 10000.0),
Parameter('pC6_0', 10000.0),
Find rules with a forward rate < 1e-8, using a custom function:
>>> model.rules.filter(lambda c: c.rate_forward.value < 1e-8) \
Rule('bind_pC3_Apop', Apop(b=None) + pC3(b=None) | Apop(b=1) %
pC3(b=1), kf25, kr25),
We can also use some built in predicates for more complex matching
scenarios, including combining multiple predicates.
Find rules with a name beginning with "inhibit" that contain cSmac:
>>> model.rules.filter(Name('^inhibit') & Pattern(m.cSmac())) \
Rule('inhibit_cSmac_by_XIAP', cSmac(b=None) + XIAP(b=None) |
cSmac(b=1) % XIAP(b=1), kf28, kr28),
Find rules with any form of Bax (i.e. Bax, aBax, mBax):
>>> model.rules.filter(Pattern(m.Bax) | Pattern(m.aBax) | \
Pattern(m.MBax)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Rule('bind_Bax_tBid', tBid(b=None) + Bax(b=None) |
tBid(b=1) % Bax(b=1), kf12, kr12),
Rule('produce_aBax_via_tBid', tBid(b=1) % Bax(b=1) >>
tBid(b=None) + aBax(b=None), kc12),
Rule('transloc_MBax_aBax', aBax(b=None) |
MBax(b=None), kf13, kr13),
Rule('inhibit_MBax_by_Bcl2', MBax(b=None) + Bcl2(b=None) |
MBax(b=1) % Bcl2(b=1), kf14, kr14),
Rule('dimerize_MBax_to_Bax2', MBax(b=None) + MBax(b=None) |
Bax2(b=None), kf15, kr15),
Count the number of parameter that don't start with kf (note the ~
negation operator):
>>> len(model.parameters.filter(~Name('^kf')))
Get components not defined in this module (file). In this case,
everything is defined in one file, but for multi-file models this
becomes more useful:
>>> model.components.filter(~Module('^pysb.examples.earm_1_0$'))
Count the number of rules defined in the 'catalyze' function:
>>> len(model.rules.filter(Function('^catalyze$')))
return ComponentSet(filter(filter_predicate, self))
def iterkeys(self):
for c in self:
def itervalues(self):
return self.__iter__()
def iteritems(self):
for c in self:
yield (, c)
[docs] def keys(self):
return [ for c in self]
[docs] def values(self):
return [c for c in self]
[docs] def items(self):
return list(zip(self.keys(), self))
[docs] def index(self, c):
# We can implement this in O(1) ourselves, whereas the Sequence mixin
# implements it in O(n).
if not c in self:
raise ValueError("%s is not in ComponentSet" % c)
return self._index_map[]
def __and__(self, other):
# We reimplement this because collections.Set's __and__ mixin iterates
# over other, not self. That implementation ends up retaining the
# ordering of other, but we'd like to keep the ordering of self instead.
# We require other to be a ComponentSet too so we know it will support
# "in" efficiently.
if not isinstance(other, ComponentSet):
return Set.__and__(self, other)
return ComponentSet(value for value in self if value in other)
def __rand__(self, other):
return self.__and__(other)
def __ror__(self, other):
return self.__or__(other)
def __rxor__(self, other):
return self.__xor__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return 'ComponentSet([\n' + \
''.join(' %s,\n' % repr(x) for x in self) + \
' ])'
[docs] def rename(self, c, new_name):
"""Change the name of component `c` to `new_name`."""
for m in self._map, self._index_map:
m[new_name] = m[]
del m[]
[docs]class OdeView(Sequence):
"""Compatibility shim for the Model.odes property."""
# This is necessarily coupled pretty tightly with Model. Note that we
# faithfully emulate the detail of the original implementation in which odes
# is an empty list before the equation generation process is run (and after
# reset_equations is called). Now the "empty" condition is when species is
# empty.
def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model
def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.model.species:
raise IndexError('list index out of range')
if isinstance(key, slice):
return [self[k] for k in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
sr = self.model.stoichiometry_matrix[key]
terms = [sympy.Mul(self.model.reactions[i]['rate'], v, evaluate=False)
for i, v in zip(sr.indices,]
return sympy.Add(*terms, evaluate=False)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.model.species)
[docs]class InitialConditionsView(Sequence):
"""Compatibility shim for the Model.initial_conditions property."""
def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model
def __getitem__(self, key):
initial = self.model.initials[key]
return (initial.pattern, initial.value)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.model.initials)
[docs]class ComponentDuplicateNameError(ValueError):
"""A component was added with the same name as an existing one."""
[docs]class RedundantSiteConditionsError(ValueError):
"""Both conditions dict and kwargs both passed to create pattern."""
def __init__(self):
("Site conditions may be specified as EITHER keyword arguments "
"OR a single dict"))
[docs]class DanglingBondError(ValueError):
[docs]class ReusedBondError(ValueError):
# Some light infrastructure for defining symbols that act like "keywords", i.e.
# they are immutable singletons that stringify to their own name. Regular old
# classes almost fit the bill, except that their __str__ method prepends the
# complete module hierarchy to the base class name. The KeywordMeta class here
# implements an alternate __str__ method which just returns the base name.
class KeywordMeta(type):
def __repr__(cls):
return cls.__name__
def __str__(cls):
return repr(cls)
# Define Keyword class with KeywordMeta metaclass in a Python 2 and 3
# compatible way
class Keyword(KeywordMeta("KeywordMetaBase", (object, ), {})):
# The keywords.
[docs]class ANY(Keyword):
"""Site must have a bond, but identity of binding partner is irrelevant.
Use ANY in a MonomerPattern site_conditions dict to indicate that a site
must have a bond without specifying what the binding partner should be.
Equivalent to the "+" bond modifier in BNG."""
[docs]class WILD(Keyword):
"""Site may be bound or unbound.
Use WILD as part of a (state, WILD) tuple in a MonomerPattern
site_conditions dict to indicate that a site must have the given state,
irrespective of the presence or absence of a bond. (Specifying only the
state implies there must not be a bond). A bare WILD in a site_conditions
dict is also permissible, but as this has the same meaning as the much
simpler option of leaving the given site out of the dict entirely, this
usage is deprecated.
Equivalent to the "?" bond modifier in BNG."""
warnings.simplefilter('always', ModelExistsWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('always', SymbolExistsWarning)