Module containing a class for exporting a PySB model to SBML using libSBML
For information on how to use the model exporters, see the documentation
for :py:mod:`pysb.export`.
import pysb
import pysb.bng
from pysb.export import Exporter
from sympy.printing.mathml import MathMLPrinter
from sympy import Symbol
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import itertools
import libsbml
except ImportError:
libsbml = None
class MathMLContentPrinter(MathMLPrinter):
"""Prints an expression to MathML without presentation markup."""
def _print_Symbol(self, sym):
ci = self.dom.createElement(self.mathml_tag(sym))
return ci
def to_xml(self, expr):
# Preferably this should use a public API, but as that doesn't exist...
return self._print(expr)
def _check(value):
Validate a libsbml return value
Raises ValueError if 'value' is a libsbml error code or None.
if type(value) is int and value != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
raise ValueError(
'Error encountered converting to SBML. '
'LibSBML returned error code {}: "{}"'.format(
elif value is None:
raise ValueError('LibSBML returned a null value')
def _add_ci(x_doc, x_parent, name):
""" Add <ci>name</ci> element to <x_parent> within x_doc """
ci = x_doc.createElement('ci')
def _xml_to_ast(x_element):
""" Wrap MathML fragment with <math> tag and convert to libSBML AST """
x_doc = Document()
x_mathml = x_doc.createElement('math')
x_mathml.setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML')
mathml_ast = libsbml.readMathMLFromString(x_doc.toxml())
return mathml_ast
def _mathml_expr_call(expr):
""" Generate an XML <apply> expression call """
x_doc = Document()
x_apply = x_doc.createElement('apply')
_add_ci(x_doc, x_apply, expr.name)
for sym in expr.expand_expr(expand_observables=True).free_symbols:
if isinstance(sym, pysb.Expression):
_add_ci(x_doc, x_apply, sym.name if isinstance(sym, pysb.Parameter) else str(sym))
return x_apply
[docs]class SbmlExporter(Exporter):
"""A class for returning the SBML for a given PySB model.
Inherits from :py:class:`pysb.export.Exporter`, which implements
basic functionality for all exporters.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not libsbml:
raise ImportError('The SbmlExporter requires the libsbml python package')
super(SbmlExporter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _sympy_to_sbmlast(self, sympy_expr):
Convert a sympy expression to the AST format used by libsbml
return _xml_to_ast(MathMLContentPrinter().to_xml(sympy_expr))
[docs] def convert(self, level=(3, 2)):
Convert the PySB model to a libSBML document
Requires the libsbml python package
level: (int, int)
The SBML level and version to use. The default is SBML level 3, version 2. Conversion
to other levels/versions may not be possible or may lose fidelity.
A libSBML document converted form the PySB model
doc = libsbml.SBMLDocument(3, 2)
smodel = doc.createModel()
# Docstring
if self.docstring:
notes_str = """
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
</notes>""" % self.docstring.replace("\n", "<br />\n"+" "*20)
# Compartments
if self.model.compartments:
for cpt in self.model.compartments:
c = smodel.createCompartment()
_check(c.setSize(1 if cpt.size is None else cpt.size.value))
c = smodel.createCompartment()
# Expressions
for expr in itertools.chain(
# create an observable "parameter"
e = smodel.createParameter()
# create an assignment rule which assigns the expression to the parameter
expr_rule = smodel.createAssignmentRule()
expr_mathml = self._sympy_to_sbmlast(expr.expand_expr(expand_observables=True))
# Initial values/assignments
fixed_species_idx = set()
initial_species_idx = set()
for ic in self.model.initials:
sp_idx = self.model.get_species_index(ic.pattern)
ia = smodel.createInitialAssignment()
init_mathml = self._sympy_to_sbmlast(Symbol(ic.value.name))
if ic.fixed:
# Species
for i, s in enumerate(self.model.species):
sp = smodel.createSpecies()
if self.model.compartments:
# Try to determine compartment, which must be unique for the species
mon_cpt = set(mp.compartment for mp in s.monomer_patterns if mp.compartment is not None)
if len(mon_cpt) == 0 and s.compartment:
compartment_name = s.compartment_name
elif len(mon_cpt) == 1:
mon_cpt = mon_cpt.pop()
if s.compartment is not None and mon_cpt != s.compartment:
raise ValueError('Species {} has different monomer and species compartments, '
'which is not supported in SBML'.format(s))
compartment_name = mon_cpt.name
raise ValueError('Species {} has more than one different monomer compartment, '
'which is not supported in SBML'.format(s))
compartment_name = 'default'
_check(sp.setName(str(s).replace('% ', '._br_')))
_check(sp.setBoundaryCondition(i in fixed_species_idx))
if i not in initial_species_idx:
# Parameters
for param in itertools.chain(self.model.parameters,
p = smodel.createParameter()
# Reactions
for i, reaction in enumerate(self.model.reactions_bidirectional):
rxn = smodel.createReaction()
_check(rxn.setName(' + '.join(reaction['rule'])))
for sp in reaction['reactants']:
reac = rxn.createReactant()
for sp in reaction['products']:
prd = rxn.createProduct()
for symbol in reaction['rate'].free_symbols:
if isinstance(symbol, pysb.Expression):
expr = symbol.expand_expr(expand_observables=True)
for sym in expr.free_symbols:
if not isinstance(sym, (pysb.Parameter, pysb.Expression)):
# Species reference, needs to be specified as modifier
modifier = rxn.createModifier()
rate = rxn.createKineticLaw()
rate_mathml = self._sympy_to_sbmlast(reaction['rate'])
# Observables
for i, observable in enumerate(self.model.observables):
# create an observable "parameter"
obs = smodel.createParameter()
# create an assignment rule which assigns the observable expression to the parameter
obs_rule = smodel.createAssignmentRule()
obs_mathml = self._sympy_to_sbmlast(observable.expand_obs())
# Apply any requested level/version conversion
if level != (3, 2):
prop = libsbml.ConversionProperties(libsbml.SBMLNamespaces(*level))
prop.addOption('strict', False)
prop.addOption('setLevelAndVersion', True)
prop.addOption('ignorePackages', True)
return doc
[docs] def export(self, level=(3, 2)):
Export the SBML for the PySB model associated with the exporter
Requires libsbml package.
level: (int, int)
The SBML level and version to use. The default is SBML level 3, version 2. Conversion
to other levels/versions may not be possible or may lose fidelity.
String containing the SBML output.
return libsbml.writeSBMLToString(self.convert(level=level))