Source code for pysb.pathfinder

import os
import sysconfig

# Set to False to not utilize the system PATH environment variable
use_path = 'PYSB_PATHFINDER_IGNORE_PATH' not in os.environ

_path_config = {
    'atomizer': {
        'name': 'Atomizer',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'sbmlTranslator',
            'nt': 'sbmlTranslator.exe'
        'env_var': 'BNGPATH',
        'env_var_subdir': 'bin',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/BioNetGen/bin',),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/BioNetGen/bin',)
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock atomizer'
    'bng': {
        'name': 'BioNetGen',
        'executable': '',
        'batch_file': 'BNG2.bat',
        'env_var': 'BNGPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/BioNetGen', ),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/BioNetGen', )
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock bionetgen'
    'kasa': {
        'name': 'KaSa (Kappa)',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'KaSa',
            'nt': 'KaSa.exe'
        'env_var': 'KAPPAPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/KaSa', ),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/KaSa', )
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock kappa'
    'kasim': {
        'name': 'KaSim (Kappa)',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'KaSim',
            'nt': 'KaSim.exe'
        'env_var': 'KAPPAPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/KaSim',),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/KaSim',)
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock kappa'
    'cupsoda': {
        'name': 'cupSODA',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'cupSODA',
            'nt': 'cupsoda.exe'
        'env_var': 'CUPSODAPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/cupSODA',),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/cupSODA',)
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock cupsoda'
    'stochkit_ssa': {
        'name': 'StochKit [SSA]',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'ssa',
            'nt': 'ssa.exe'
        'batch_file': 'ssa.bat',
        'env_var': 'STOCHKITPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/StochKit', ),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/StochKit',)
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock stochkit'
    'stochkit_tau_leaping': {
        'name': 'StochKit [Tau Leaping]',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'tau_leaping',
            'nt': 'tau_leaping.exe'
        'batch_file': 'tau_leaping.bat',
        'env_var': 'STOCHKITPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/share/StochKit',),
            'nt': ('c:/Program Files/StochKit',)
        'conda_install_cmd': 'conda install -c alubbock stochkit'
    'nvcc': {
        'name': 'NVIDIA CUDA compiler',
        'executable': {
            'posix': 'nvcc',
            'nt': 'nvcc.exe'
        'env_var': 'CUDAPATH',
        'search_paths': {
            'posix': ('/usr/local/cuda/bin', '/usr/bin', '/opt/cuda/bin'),
            'nt': (
            r'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0\bin',)
_path_cache = {}

[docs]def list_programs(): """ Return the list of available external programs as a dictionary Returns ------- A dictionary containing the internal program name (key) and the human-readable name and environment variable (value) to adjust the path for that program. """ keep_keys = ('name', 'env_var') return {prog_name: { k: v for k, v in prog_data.items() if k in keep_keys } for prog_name, prog_data in _path_config.items()}
[docs]def get_path(prog_name): """ Gets the currently active path to an external executable The path will be determined automatically if not set (see return value). To override, call :func:`set_path`. Parameters ---------- prog_name: str The PySB internal program name for an executable (run :func:`list_programs` for a list). Returns ------- The currently active path to an external executable. If the path hasn't previously been set, the relevant environment variable for that program's path will be searched. Failing that, a list of default paths for the operating system will be checked. An Exception is raised if none of these approaches works. """ try: return _path_cache[prog_name] except KeyError: pass if prog_name not in _path_config.keys(): raise ValueError('%s is not a known external executable' % prog_name) path_conf = _path_config[prog_name] # Try environment variable, if set if path_conf['env_var'] in os.environ: env_var_val = os.environ[path_conf['env_var']] subdir_msg = '' try: _path_cache[prog_name] = _validate_path(prog_name, env_var_val) return _path_cache[prog_name] except ValueError: try: _path_cache[prog_name] = _validate_path( prog_name, os.path.join(env_var_val, path_conf['env_var_subdir'])) return _path_cache[prog_name] except KeyError: # No subdirectory set pass except ValueError: # Subdirectory set, but no binary found subdir_msg = ', or in that path\'s "%s" subdirectory' %\ path_conf['env_var_subdir'] raise ValueError('Environment variable %s is set to %s, but the ' 'program %s or its executable %s could not be ' 'found there%s. Check file existence and ' 'permissions.' % ( path_conf['env_var'], env_var_val, path_conf['name'], _get_executable(prog_name), subdir_msg) ) # Check the Anaconda environment, if applicable, or BINDIR try: _path_cache[prog_name] = _validate_path(prog_name, _get_anaconda_bindir()) return _path_cache[prog_name] except ValueError: pass # Check default paths for this operating system if not in path_conf['search_paths'].keys(): raise Exception('No default path is known for %s on your ' 'operating system "%s". Set the path using the ' 'environment variable %s or by calling the function ' '%s.%s()' % (path_conf['name'],, path_conf['env_var'], set_path.__module__, set_path.__name__)) search_paths = path_conf['search_paths'][] if use_path: search_paths = list(search_paths) + os.environ.get('PATH', '').split( os.pathsep) for search_path in search_paths: try: _path_cache[prog_name] = _validate_path(prog_name, search_path) return _path_cache[prog_name] except ValueError: pass try: conda_install_help = '\n\nConda users can install %s using the ' \ 'following command:\n\n%s' % \ (path_conf['name'], path_conf['conda_install_cmd']) except KeyError: conda_install_help = '' raise Exception('The program %s was not found in the default search ' 'path(s) for your operating system:\n\n%s\n\nEither ' 'install it to one of those paths, or set a custom path ' 'using the environment variable %s or by calling the ' 'function %s.%s()%s' % (path_conf['name'], "\n".join(search_paths), path_conf['env_var'], set_path.__module__, set_path.__name__, conda_install_help) )
[docs]def set_path(prog_name, full_path): """ Sets the full path to an external executable at runtime External program paths can also be adjusted by environment variable prior to first use; run :func:`list_programs` for a list of programs. Parameters ---------- prog_name: str The internal program name for an executable. (see :func:`list_programs`) full_path: str The full path to the external executable or its enclosing directory. If the path is a directory, it will be searched for the executable. A ValueError will be raised if there's an issue with the path (not found, permissions etc.). """ if prog_name not in _path_config.keys(): raise ValueError('%s is not a known external executable' % prog_name) _path_cache[prog_name] = _validate_path(prog_name, full_path)
def _get_anaconda_bindir(): """ Get the binary path from python build time (for anaconda) """ # Is this an anaconda virtual environment? conda_env = os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', None) if conda_env: return os.path.join(conda_env, 'Scripts' if == 'nt' else 'bin') # Otherwise, try the default anaconda/python bin directory bindir = sysconfig.get_config_var('BINDIR') if == 'nt': # bindir doesn't point to scripts directory on Windows return os.path.join(bindir, 'Scripts') else: return bindir def _get_batch_file(prog_name): try: return _path_config[prog_name]['batch_file'] except KeyError: return None def _get_executable(prog_name): executable = _path_config[prog_name]['executable'] if isinstance(executable, str): return executable else: try: return executable[] except KeyError: raise Exception('No executable for "%s" is available for your ' 'operating system: "%s"' % (_path_config[prog_name]['name'], def _validate_path(prog_name, full_path): if not os.access(full_path, os.F_OK): raise ValueError('Unable to access path %s. Check the file exists ' 'and the current user has permission to access it.' % full_path) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): # On anaconda, check batch file on Windows, if applicable batch_file = _get_batch_file(prog_name) if == 'nt' and batch_file: try: return _validate_path(prog_name, os.path.join(full_path, batch_file)) except ValueError: pass # It's a directory, try appending the executable name return _validate_path(prog_name, os.path.join(full_path, _get_executable( prog_name))) if not os.access(full_path, os.X_OK): raise ValueError('The file %s does not have executable permissions.' % full_path) return full_path